I won’t. Now right now I do not have the option because I do not use their payment system, so my bookings do not go through their system.
But in light of Air’s recent stunt with some new hosts having no option other than instant book - we should look to Homeaway to copy cat.
It makes sense of course that in Tom Hale’s (HA’s former COO) last webinar he made a comment about the company getting a lot of built up guest reviews first, before they do something blah blah blah. I cannot remember exactly what he said. But I took note of his comment in the back of mind.
Of course Air can now say “well you can set certain restrictions like only accepting guests who were recommended, or guests who have this star review, or whatever.”
There is always a catch with all these companies. While it is great that we can review guests and star rate them, etc. - we all have also helped Air to move forward to instant booking. Who knows where it will end up. My hope is they won’t be able to accomplish a 100% instant book site.
But on Homeaway - currently owners cannot write a review for guests. They can only rate them with stars. And maybe recommend them - not sure. So there is a reason for this. But the Homeaway sheeple seem to never see it coming. Over and over again HA has shown to be sneaky, underhanded, outright liars.
Does anyone know if they finally added Amex after increasing their credit card rates under the justification of adding Amex? For anyone who doesn’t know - this was all a lie. For months and months they still didn’t accept Amex after they sent an email saying credit card rates were increasing because of this.
I do have to give Chesky credit for his ingenious methods. Anyway…my rant for the day. I won’t help HA achieve squat.