Home in low-income area

I am in the process of getting my home ready for me to become an official host. I am however, worried about my location. My home is older (I am in the process of getting it updated) but it’s not in the best area. There are no homes available in my area but I am hoping the remodeling will make it more appealing. What do you think?

I think that your listing narrative is the place for honesty. Make sure that the guests that choose to stay with you understand what they are buying. I think this is true for all listings, not just ones with challenges.

There are reasons that you bought in this neighborhood. There are reasons that you bought this home. Describe those reasons too.

Marketing is all about managing expectations.

– a fellow older home owner whose neighborhood went from gnarly to hip and cool.


Be sure to frame things accurately, I agree. A bit part of successful hosting is setting up guest expectations. Highlight the negatives of your home so guests will be pleasantly surprised by how inviting you’ve made it.

That said, you don’t need to declare everything. I live in a neighborhood that started gentrifying about 20 years ago and is now filled with million dollar homes, but I still have a next door neighbor who has overgrown weeds and junker cars, and nobody has ever mentioned it in a review or private feedback.

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I live in an inner city area. I say up front in my description that I live in one and that like many areas undergoing regeneration it can be a bit scruffy around the edges. I also emphasise how close it is to the city centre, great transport links, lovely local cafes, shops and restaurants and open spaces.

However I still get over 40% of people marking me down on location, which is so frustrating.


We must be neighbors…-:slight_smile:


:smile: I’m so worried to invest a lot of money into remodeling just to not get bookings or to get bad reviews about my area. What am I suppose to do? Move my house to another side of town.

Huh? Who said anything about investing more than the neighborhood for an AirBNB. Make the house one you wish to live in first, then worry about your potential guests. Obviously, moving your house isn’t an option so this statement puzzles me.


I agree model the home for yourself

You shouldn’t spend any extra for an airbnb - accept for some extra towels and bedding (presume if you have a spare room you would be having a bed and basics anyway).

Have you done research on what others are charging nearby to see if this is a good move for you to do Airbnb?

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I was being sarcastic about moving my house, I know that’s not possible.

So remodeling might not be the correct words to describe my situation. My home has 5 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, and 2 dining rooms; but it is just my husband and I. Therefore it’s going to cost money to add additional beds, furniture, towels, etc. to furnish those extra spaces. I’m not saying I’m going to spend a fortune but all of those things add up.

Yes I have researched my area. Rates are from $50-$80 for a room, and $90-$200 for the whole house/apartment.

I like your house already - sounds like one we had “back east”. It was a handy-man special! Start with just one bedroom - minimize the expense and see how you like hosting.

We furnished with good quality but used furniture and advertise as “vintage”. Our guests have loved it. We did, however, buy a new mattress set.


I am sure you would have furnished at least some of the bedrooms anyway for family and friends.

Just set yourself a budget for furnishing etc you can get lots of stuff second hand.

And then replace with better stuff as your Airbnb income is generated.

This can mean a lot of things and some of them are relative. I wouldn’t worry about it. Play up your strengths, disclose your weaknesses and make sure the space you are offering is clean and comfortable. No point in worrying about something that you can’t control and that hasn’t happened yet.


Absolutely! People often imagine their area is worse than it seems to others (or better than it seems…!) It is what it is and as long as everything is described honestly in the listing then nobody should have a problem. @precioussj, what is it exactly that you’re worried about? When I first started I was so paranoid that all other listings had such fancy photos and looked like hotels. All I had was a simple room in an old scruffy house on the outskirts of the centre. But I went for it anyway.
Five years and almost 1000 guests later I’m a superhost and continue to get 99% great guests who appreciate what I offer. However, I’m in a high tourist destination city so despite massive competition I can still get by. What kind of city are you in and who do you imagine will book with you? Targeting your market is crucial!


Good grief, you’ve had almost 1,000 in-house guests and in only 5 yrs.?!! Totally amazing…and impressive (though not enviable)!

…and here I am throwing in the towel at far fewer guests under my belt. I’m undeniably just a light-weight in the business.


I am an Airbnb ho, it’s true :smile: ! I fell on hard times, to be frank, and it enabled me to keep my home. It’s a way of life now. Still block off times now and then to catch breath, though.


My husband keeps telling me I’m worrying too much and stop trying to be perfect (I can’t help it though).

1,000 guests in 5 years… GOALS!

OK, I just checked my spreadsheet and it’s not 1000, only 789 :flushed:
That was some serious rounding up… All I can say is after the first hundred or so, it might as well be a million!!



LOL! I guess I didn’t need the smelling salts after all. Your memory is forgiven but it’s too late to reduce the length of your nose. BTW, how’s Gepetto, still carving?

J-kidding…789 is still in the outer stratosphere for the majority of hosts, I’m sure. I’d never reach it because I don’t like people much anymore. (ha!)

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I have been doing it 8 years and have no idea how many guests I’ve had. Has to be in the upper hundreds!

Maybe you have no interest in knowing but if you go to your stats page you can get number of completed trips per year (at least going back to 2013 which is when I started). Then add up each year plus January. I have 377 “completed trips” but that doesn’t account for repeat guests.

It would have been quicker to extrapolate from reviews and almost as accurate. I have 304 reviews and average an 80% review rate.

Do you get a lot of bookings on non Airbnb platforms?