Help with not-great Guest review

I have a PRINTED checkout list with there reservation details and a few things, like adjusting the AC back to 80 degrees, taking the trash out, putting towels in bathtub and cutting on dishwasher. This seems to work well.

I probably would NOT right a review. I only write reviews if they are good or real bad. Sometimes I just don’t have anything to say about a guest or I privately message them and thank them for staying and taking good care of my house.

Air appears to be trending away from “mia casa” hosting. They take your rules less seriously. They seem to be favouring greater autonomy. It’s more common now to have guests who don’t have a clue. So it’s wise to keep it simple, and walk them through it, remembering that for the most part we are on our own.

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Just wanted to comment that some of this is just a matter of educating guests; many of them assume that Airbnb is providing hosts with this information. When you let them know this is not the case, suddenly your request makes more sense.


@CeeBee, This is a good point. There are guests think that think their verified ID goes to the host and their payment goes directly to the host.


And that when they tell Airbnb the names of their other guests that they pass it on to the hosts…