Help! Guest wants me to cancel

I’m new to hosting (3 previous bookings, all successful so far) and would be very grateful to hear the collective wisdom of this forum.
Today I had to inform a guest due Monday-Weds that some unexpected essential repair work will be done to the far end of the house next week. I apologised for the short notice and explained the likely noise level (low) and the fact that although there will be scaffolding at the far end of the house it will not affect their view from the flat. I also offered them use of our private garden at the back of the house (guests normally use the front), along with sun loungers, table & chairs, rugs and even threw in complimentary tea and cake. I arranged for the builders to work elsewhere on Tuesday, so realistically we are only looking at a few hours max on their check-in and check-out days (11am and 3pm).
The guest has requested now that I cancel her booking as she doesn’t want to lose her Airbnb service fee (around a fiver). I’ve said I cant cancel for her but will happily reimburse the service fee if she sends her bank details or address. I don’t want to incur Airbnb penalties, especially at this tender stage. I feel I’ve done everything I can to keep her happy. She’s gone uncharacteristically quiet, so I’m worried she is complaining to Airbnb. Any suggestions?

Don’t cancelled and wait . She might still keep her reservation. I don’t even know what is the issue she has with repairs at your house . It was nice of you to tell her. I’d it was me I wouldn’t even say anything to her

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Don’t give the service fee back. Let Air do it. You could contact them about the issue which could qualify for EC on your end. Let them cancel penalty free and be done.


Never give a guest a cancellation, or any money for any reason except death/earthquake/hurricane disasters.

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call customer service.
They need the heads up anyway, since you have informed the guest and they want out.


Thanks everyone for your great advice. I called the resolution centre and explained the situation. They were actually very helpful and understanding, and cancelled the booking under extenuating circumstances with no penalties to the guest or to me. I was relieved that I could speak to a real person and not fall into some automated system with no understanding of the nuances.

I suspect that in this case the guest had actually changed her mind about staying, and the work was a convenient excuse to cancel. In future I will give all guests a heads up for weeks either side of any planned works in case of delays by the contractors, which is what caused the issue this time.

Thanks again for your help.

Actually, don’t return any money. Let Air adjudicate. If they deem it should be returned believe me, they will take it from your next payout, or pull it straight from your bank account.

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