Help! Guest threw a party in 3:00 am

I’m hosting an entire house to a guest for 2 days who regiatered 4 people. I setup two cameras locates in front door and garage. I was woke up by the camera notification at 3am. My camera showed that the guest brought other 6 drunk people back to the house . They were keep drinking and smoking in the garage. Should I contact the guest right now and ask the unregisered people to leave or call Revolution Center? How should I use words to text to the guests?

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Were they still there when the cameras woke you up? Did you go and talk to the guests?

If you are going to involve Airbnb you need to let them know right away. Be sure you save the camera footage to submit to Airbnb for any claims. Are the cameras disclosed in your listing? Do you have a camera in the garage? If the cameras aren’t disclosed you’re going to be the one in trouble and you don’t want to involve Airbnb. Your best option might be to get them to pay for the 6 extra people. Also I would consider smoking in the garage to be smoking in the home and a violation of the no smoking rule. So you will be able to get their second night (assume that’s tonight) canceled.

Also, is ‘no parties’ one of the rules in the listing?

This is a tricky one unless the ‘no visitors’ thing is also in the listing. The extra people could claim that they were only there for a couple of hours so strictly speaking weren’t extra guests who were staying there.

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Yes, I do have cameras disclosed. They are still hosting party in the house started 3am. It’s 11am but still have 30 motions notification every hour. They are smoking in the garage after I text him for my neighbor complaining. I concern that they will damage the house if I kick them out for the violation house rule. You know it takes time to make a claim. for the house damage.

You mean you’re letting them carry on? Why aren’t you down there?

It sounds like you are letting them walk all over you, and your house rules. Contact Airbnb and get them cancelled, and if they wont leave/threaten to damage property call the police/Sheriff/whoever.



Just what I was going to say. By not stomping in there, the OP is implying that the behaviour is okay. After all, she’s known about it for several hours and done nothing. @KKC advised her to contact Airbnb at once if she intends to have them involved and it seems that she hasn’t done that either.

@Cathy_Liu - are you new to hosting?

We had an incident and the first thing we did was call the police and get to the house. Then we contacted AirBnB while the guest canceled the reservation as the police removed them all. The police actually came back a few times later that morning just to be sure. We changed the code ASAP also on the door.

In our review we mentioned the police and before it was even published within an hour of writing it we got this below from AirBnB:

From: Airbnb
Date: November 7, 2019 at 12:06:42 PM CST
To: letti
Subject: Need to report a problem with LOV Guest House BMT Disc 15-20 Minute AFB/SeaWorld?



Something in your review on 2019-11-07 suggested that there may have been a problem with your reservation with Isabella.

If something happened to you or someone you were with during this reservation, please let us know so that we can investigate. Our top priority is the safety and security of the Airbnb community.


You’ve got to be kidding. I think your problem goes far beyond what I can help you with. Good luck.