Hearts and bumps

Do you think the groups where people :heart: your listing and give you views actually bump up your listing? Or changing up the description or pricing daily or weekly make a huge difference?


Some hosts believe this to be the case and can offer anecdotal ‘proof’ that it does. I disagree. I don’t change anything in our listings from one month to the next. I was tempted to say ‘one year to the next’ because it wouldn’t surprise me.

This being said, I think that SP does bump up the listing. But is that because it updated the prices every day? Or is it simply that Airbnb want hosts who enable guests to book without all the palaver of being approved? Probably the latter?

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SP is special pricing?

Sorry, Smart Pricing. Because Airbnb updates it, it looks as though the host updates it every day.

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According to Airbnb people wishlisting you does help your search ranking.

“Yes! When travelers add your listing to their wishlist, it does indeed help your search ranking! One individual wishlist may not make a visible difference but over several months, if many guests love your listing and choose to wishlist it, it will rank higher. We also use listings that guests wishlist to better personalize their search experience, so they’ll be likely to see your listing again in future searches.”

Airbnb also says that tweaking the listing regularly doesn’t help.


I did know that, my mind was just pulling a blank. :joy:

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