Hawaii vacation rental regulations

Heather kimball we need to talk…

"I am Please join Office of Council Member Heather Kimball - D1 and I for a community informational briefing on proposed changes to Hawai‘i County’s vacation rental regulations.

The Zoom briefing will take place on Monday, Nov. 21, 5:30-6:30pm. Register for your unique Zoom login at Webinar Registration - Zoom The Zoom will be recorded.

Amendments come nearly four years after the initial Short-Term Vacation Rental (STVR) ordinance was adopted in November 2018, and looks to comply with recent changes to Hawai‘i Revised Statute, which refers to these rentals at Transient Accommodation Rentals (TAR).

Noteworthy changes include regulation of hosted rentals, an update to fee structure including one-time registration fees and annual renewal fees, clear and enforceable penalties, and establishment of vacation nodes – designated areas suitable for TARs and currently underserved by hotel and resort facilities.

“A promise was made by the County to revisit and update the vacation rental ordinance,” said Kierkiewicz. “We are fulfilling that promise and socializing proposed changes in an effort to inform the community and gather feedback before the bill is introduced at Council.”

“Drafting this bill has been a lengthy and involved process and I want to thank everyone that contributed to this effort,” said Kimball. “It is still a work in progress an we recognize the bill may still need revisions after we share it with the public. We look forward to hearing from our community.”

Monday’s presentation on proposed changes to the vacation rental ordinance will be followed by a Q&A session. Members of the Planning Department will also be participating and available to answer questions regarding implementation of current regulations and what is being proposed."