Have you ever seen this?

I just got an instant book last minute booking and I checked this girls ratings and reviews on the app. She’s got 20 reviews and her rating is 4.5 avg, 3.5 cleanliness, 5 house rules and 4 communication. Heres a screenshot of what I see on the app:

I’m home and I’m finishing up the booking and sending her the message for checking in and I check her ratings to show my husband and they are way different. On the website she’s got 4.5 avg, 5 cleanliness, 5 house fules and 5 communication. Here’s a screenshot of what I see on the ABB website:

I checked again on the cellphone app and it’s still the same with a 3.5 for cleanliness and a 4 for communication.

Which one do we believe? And what’s going on? Do I let ABB know?

Looks like a blip to me. I went through 10 of our past reservations comparing between PC and mobile and it was all correct.

Still, I would let Airbnb know, sending them the screenshots. Obviously there is somehow a glitch.

Based on the written review I would think the second review is the correct one. There are so many glitches with the platform and calling customer service is not helpful. Hopefully, that guest will turn out to be truly the ideal guest as per the written review.

In both screenshots I show a little bit of the latest review and tried to conceal any and all of the names (to protect the innocent). So, what you’re seeing is the same review in each screenshot. Apologies if it looks like they are somehow different.


I would let the guest know about this glitch. Then she can deal with Airbnb about it, who are more likely to correct it for her than for a host.

Aside from the low ratings on the app view, I don’t get how any guest could have a 4.5 average on the website, if all the categories show as 5s. It’s not like we give an “overall” rating to guests.

So both the ratings on the app and the website are wrong.

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