Happy New Year!

We had a pawty. Also Airbnb guests with 3 dogs last night. Best wishes for a safe and profitable 2022.


Awwww. Missing my dearly departed doggos, one in 2020 and one last year.


Two client dogs that I’ve boarded since 2014 passed away during Christmas week. It was a sad week in many ways.

Come visit! Doggy visits and use of sticky roller, no extra charge.


Rufus isn’t much of a pawty animal, in spite of the antlers. He hates being dressed up and having his photo taken. But he looked so cute we couldn’t resist.


It looks like a good time was had by all.
Happy New Year. I miss my dog, she was my companion for 13 years, longer than I’ve ever had any dog - I had to put her down in Oct.


I am so very sorry Muddy. She looks like a lovely girl.:heart:


So sad to lose our faithful companions.


Being 34C (93F) on NYE and still 25C that evening my neighbours built a bonfire in the cliff park across the road from me and let off (illegal) fireworks at midnight. My old girl Jade used to hate it and this year new dog Spike isn’t a fan either. I warned Airbnb guest downstairs who had a young Sheperd who was upset after for an hour. Every. New. Year. The thing is many of my neighbours claim to be animal lovers who have dogs of their own but leave them at home in the laundry and then pretend nothing happened by the time they get back. And every year I wake up and decide to let it go because it won’t happen for another 12months.
Happy New Year Doggoes and Frends!!!
ps. pic is of Spike checking out the park on NYE before they started building the bonfire and letting off fireworks.


Happy New Year to all or forum friends and advisers! We hope goodwill, truth and peace are yours in 2022.

Here’s me n’ Loki no makeup but dressed up for a steak dinner, Champagne and old Fred Astaire dance movies. Michael and Bella wish you the best of health too!! What a lovely view Jam! We are lucky the fireworks shows are far down the hill, mostly silent.


Yes I am lucky to have this view to myself 364 days a year and this year is one to forgive people a bit of raucous public merriment.


We celebrated at our Irish Cultural Center restaurant where we could toast the New Year at 7 PM our time - midnight in Dublin. Despite a few COVID limitations, it was one of the best New Years Eves ever! We’ll be back next year and hope this was the start of a better year. Happy New Year all!


I like this idea! 12/31 was a busy busy day so I fell asleep on the couch by 9:00. I woke up to ring in the New Year when my neighbors set off fireworks.

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One small upside of having friends and family scattered across different countries, and time zones, is that you get to toast in the New Year several times over the day :champagne: