This is a common and false narrative often spouted by those with your political leanings.
There are very few people who prefer to sit home and collect welfare than be productive. Some people are simply unemployable- they either lack sufficient education, they have mental or emotional issues, etc. or they get discriminated against when applying for work. Or they are in a situation which precludes having the time or life situation for a full-time job.
I was a welfare recipient for many years in Canada- I was a single mom with 3 kids. My days were spent getting kids off to school, shopping, doing laundry, cleaning the house, attending to the yard and garden, canning food, cooking, picking kids up from school, ferrying them to their soccer games, spending quality time with them, etc, etc. I also did community volunteer work. There were never enough hours in the day and I can assure you I wasn’t sitting around watching soap operas or spending the welfare money on beer.
I can also assure you that the welfare payments weren’t “generous”, unless you consider them just barely covering the mortgage payment, the utilities, and putting food on the table to be a disincentive to working. There wasn’t any money for any extras, no dinners out, no designer jeans for the kids, no going out to the movies.
And you know what? Because I was there for my kids, instead of out all day at some minimum wage job, sticking them in after-school daycare, or having them be unsupervised latch-key kids, coming home burnt out with no time or energy for them, all three turned out to be responsible members of society, who made good choices in their education and life partners, have good jobs, pay taxes and have never been in any sort of trouble or been any burden on society. Quite the opposite.