Guests will now have 72 hours to lodge complaints!

AirBnB is changing their policy to give guests 72 hours to report issues instead of 24 hours:

"We wanted to let you know that we’re also updating the way rebooking assistance and refunds work for guests, because we want to be sure we’re holding both guests and Hosts accountable. In the rare event that guests encounter a serious problem with their stay, we’re updating our guest refund policy next month for stays to allow them up to 72 hours (instead of 24) to report travel issues.

This policy only affects a small percentage of stays each year—for example, it could apply if your space isn’t clean, a major amenity isn’t working, or if you fail to give your guests keys or a security code to your space and they can’t get inside. As long as you honor your reservations, make sure your guests can check in smoothly, and represent your space accurately in your listing, this policy shouldn’t impact you."
What a bunch of crap! So a guest staying for one night can report an issue two days later to get a refund??? :nauseated_face:


Oh man!! This is horrible news. Chesky et al really don’t understand that the HOSTS are the reason they’re in business. What if we all shut down for 1 month in protest?


Jeez, what BS. All the situations they list would be evident within the first hour of the guest arriving. What, they only notice it isn’t clean after they’ve been in residence for 72 hrs? How did they get in if the host provided no keys or entry info?

Seems Airbnb wants us to provide unpaid couch surfing.


While I’m not loving this - we already take detailed proof of the cabin condition after every clean / before every check in - just in case we have to dispute a false claim.

I don’t think this would change much anyway.

We’ve also had bad guests claim filthy conditions after checkout - while saying nothing while checked in. Airbnb considered those complaints as well - so what has actually changed ?

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I feel the same way.

I’ve never had this but I think that the house tour is responsible for the fact that not one guest ever has tried it on with me.

“The apartment was dirty” - “And yet when we walked through it together on the house tour you said nothing”.

“The TV wasn’t working”. - “Remember when you first arrived and the TV was on? And that I showed you the remote?”

And so on and so on.

Also, because I’m on the premises I run into my guests most days so can ask them if there’s anything they need or anything I can do to help them. If they say no to those then they’ve shot themselves in the foot. :slight_smile:


Yeah - that tour probably makes a huge difference. We are a completely contactless check in - so I’m pretty sure that’s why people have tried this with us.

We have had success though with just keeping our evidence of the conditions on hand. Airbnb has sided with us both times.

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I take my hat off to you. I’d never be brave enough to do that, even though I’ve been doing this for so long. It truly wouldn’t work for me.


As are quite a few places here, however the feedback from recent guest has been that they chose us over other places because we weren’t contactless check in.

One woman said she preferred booking somewhere with an actual host because she was travelling solo and wanted to have a connection with who she was staying with.

Todays check out said they want to be able to ask questions if anything about the check in/out process isn’t clear.

And to top it off, our last bunch of Dutchies would never have know about the local restaurant we sent them to because it’s off the beaten (tourist) track and it was only after chatting to them we realised it was a good fit for them. So much so the drunken fecker slept in and checked out an hour late!



For us - I wouldn’t have an Airbnb if I had to be present for every check in. I have too many other things going on in my life. It’s also why I couldn’t do a room share in my home because I wouldn’t feel comfortable giving access to my home without always being present.

Also where we are - it’s a resort community where there are tons of cabins - almost all of them are advertised as contactless. You have to present ID, have your license and plates logged to even enter the community so that reduces the shenanigans a lot and provides an official record of whoever has actually entered.

I use this message about 30 minutes after a guest checks in. Not sure if this would hold up but I’d like to think that it would help against after the fact complaints. I’m also thinking of video taping the space and loading it to their message so that it shows the place before they arrive.

Welcome to xxx Airbnb Guest Suite:

We just wanted to check in and make sure that everything was as you expected.

If you have any concerns, please message us via AirBnB message system so that we can address any issues that might arise during your stay.

Pleasant dreams and enjoy your stay.

I feel like I want to take my hat off to you Jaquo. I live below the Suite. When I first opened I would greet the guests and do the tour but it seemed like guest never show up when they say they will and I just can’t hang around waiting.

I too now do self-checking with a message about 30 minutes after check in to make sure everything is ok. (Mostly I do this for a record for Airbnb).


Would you describe yourself as an investor host?



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That’s one way I guess. This is my first vacation rental although it won’t be my last. I bought it because we want to use it but we are fine if it pays for itself or significantly offsets the cost of ownership. So I have incentive to make it as I’d want for myself - but I didn’t get the Airbnb to make a salary off of it. It’s more of a lifestyle thing.

Going forward - I’m only going to buy them where I want to actually use them. I own a few other businesses - so I couldn’t set this up where this dictates a massive amount of my time

Question answered.




Thank you. :slight_smile:

It takes a LOT of organisation and forward planning to run two rental apartments (plus another for about half of the year).

But I’m lucky in that my freelance work is done at home so I can play it, conference calls, meetings etc. around the guest schedule. One rental is next door to me and the other is diagonally opposite so I’m lucky.

I tell guests that my check-in time is 4pm but to let me know if they can’t make it for that time. I’ve already planned to do only work at home from 4 pm until it’s time to make dinner so if the guests are late I’m around.

I realise that they might stop to sightsee, for coffee, or to visit an attraction. Or sometimes it’s stuff beyond their control - I’ve had guests who are late because their car has broken down or their flights have been delayed. I’ve also had guests delayed because their car was stolen.

But as I’m there anyway, it’s easy for me if guests are late. :slight_smile:

Hats off to you for being completely proactive against scammers. I personally would not add that task to my list. Documenting each large house during every turn would be daunting and a lot of extra work I think. I hope my contact and attentiveness will cut the scammers off as best as possible.

It is a lot - but it’s my cleaners who offered it and it’s part of their pricing structure. I think it’s how they protect their quality of service too. It keeps everyone on the same page.

It doesn’t phase us much since the guest ultimately pays for it.

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I call the guest after they’ve brought in their luggage. I know when they arrive-I must open the gate & see them on the ring camera. The phone call is a quick basic orientation.

Then I send a similar message as @Lynick4442 about an hour after check in. “After you’ve had a chance to settle in, please let me know if you have any questions or if something isn’t as expected.”

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I agree that this does not change anything for good guests that have an issue. Good guests would say something quickly - at least to get the conversation started.

But it expands the potential fraud window by a factor of three. And those of you that think you are immune because you take pictures - well, you can’t defend against a smell with a picture. And the fraudsters are clever and determined. How about a roach (palmetto bug for Jaquo :smiley: ) between the sheets? Or turds in the toilet? Even though there’s a picture, it’s their word against yours that the cleaners didn’t use the toilet after they took the picture.

@Jaquo has the strongest position by meeting everyone and walking them through, but even then, something could go wrong after check in.

Even sending an “is everything ok?” note only works with good guests. Scammers will ignore it or claim they didn’t get it.

My question is why would they do this? 24 hours is plenty for legitimate check-in issues. You could always complain about an issue that happens no matter when it happened - you were just supposed to do it in a timely fashion. Who does this change help other than scammers?


I had a guest file a complaint and demand a significant credit after checkout. They claimed filth - and even include a close up picture of a roach days later ( so close that you couldn’t even tell if it was our bathroom or not).

We presented all of our documentation pictures - and the guests complaint was dismissed by Airbnb - so I do have some faith in the value of proactive documentation.

I haven’t had anyone complain that the place just stinks yet - so who knows on that front

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