Guests using my place for photo shoot

The discussion is about charging extra for photos that for commercial use only.


We have hosted many photo shoots and they are significant income boosters as we always have had advance notice of the guests intention and increase our rates based on size and scope of project. The additional charges are off the platform. Airbnb even used us for a promotional photo shoot.
If the guests didnā€™t ask permission, and give you an opportunity to negotiate an ā€œup chargeā€ you should call them out on this as not part of your offering. They are not like regular guests, they are profiting from booking with you. Also we always prepare a contract to cover damages and always request a deposit. Extra equipment and potentially extra people make accidents a distinct possibility. We once had actors and production crew that totaled 80 people! Because of their professionalism you almost couldnā€™t tell they had been at our place. (good luck??)

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I am just seeing this thread now but seems
Your listing is no longer available. Iā€™m sorry you had to go through this. Can you please share the final results of this fiasco, review and all?

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Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m having trouble understandingā€¦ ALL OF THIS over a photo shoot ? Really? :flushed: You do know many people usually take iPhone pics when they are on vacation whether it be outside or in their Airbnb and upload to Instagram/Facebookā€¦ this is just our generation now. If you are gonna be a Karen and worry about such little things you shouldnā€™t even be an Airbnb host to begin with. This is a tad bit ridiculous to me honestly. You seem like a lot to deal with I wouldnā€™t wanna book your Airbnb, pshhh no thanks .

the ONLY thing rude about it was the cigars . People have sex on your bed and your worried about simple photos ? Make it make sense dear god :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::raised_hand:t3: