Guests giving 1 star for value on new years night


I can’t see anywhere in the link you’ve provided that you only need five reviews to gain superhost status.

However they must have changed the criteria again recently as it has now changed from having ten reviews to 10 stays.

Quoting from its Help Centre it says for Superhost status you need to ‘have hosted at least 10 stays in the past year or, if they host longer-term reservations, 100 nights over at least 3 stays. Your guests can feel confident staying with an experienced host’.

10 trips but 50% review rate so that’s a minimum of 5 reviews. Isn’t it? I’m weak in math.

I honestly don’t recall if it was 10 reviews or 10 trips. There is probably a screen shot somewhere on this forum of the old standard.

What has definitely changed is adding the language accounting for hosts who do longer stays. I thank @PitonView for pointing that out to me at some point. Heaven forbid Airbnb tell us the standard has changed.

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I found a copy of the old standard. It was 10 trips. Ah, my memory isn’t completely shot.


Thanks for clarifying @KKC - I thought at some point it was 10 reviews but quite possibly I was wrong they change everything so often it’s hard to keep up.

I should practice my own advice and check the Help Centre more often :blush:

I think I have got a little lazy and complacent because I have had superhost status within three months of starting so don’t really look at the stats required any more.

But just when you think you know it, they change it.