Wilburforce, we had a guest just like this recently from Australia (we’re in New York). And they looked down their nose at us in a similar fashion! They were very upset that we didn’t have a tea kettle so they could make their tea. But we did have a pot which I used to heat up some water for them that I then poured into a mug and inserted a tea bag into! I didn’t even make them do it themselves, because obviously they didn’t want to touch a pot when making tea! They wanted to touch a kettle. (I’m still not sure how hot water out of a pot is any different than hot water out of a kettle…but they were visibly upset about this)!
Anyway, their whole stay they kept making little snide remarks and passive-aggressive complaints. Then I noticed that they had left a scathing review for another superhost - this one in Australia. This girl had an absolutely gorgeous house on the water and every other review she had was glowing. But this guest actually made the exact same complaints about her as she did about us - except for the tea kettle.
So we knew they were going to give a bad review. We decided to leave them a scathing review in advance - to warn other hosts that these people were ninny complainers. After both of our reviews were posted, this woman called us on the phone from Australia to beg me to change my review! I told her it was impossible to change a review. She said it wasn’t! I told her to try to change one of her reviews. The next thing we know, about a week later we get a message from Airbnb saying they were removing our review of her entirely!!
I was so STEAMED about that. So, I wrote them back because they had said our review violated their policies. I asked them what policy exactly it had violated. They said it was the policy that you’re not supposed to talk about anything that didn’t actually happen in your interaction with the guest. I wrote back and said the whole review was about things that happened during her visit.
They wrote back and said they weren’t going to change their minds. I then wrote and told them how unfair this whole review system is and how I can’t trust anyone’s ratings because of all this censorship. They then mulled it over for a few days, and finally wrote back and said that they had reviewed my review and they had looked at the messages between me and the guest. Fortunately, I had had the foresight to put in writing, through the Airbnb messaging system, some of the things she complained to us about in person. So, Airbnb was able to see our messages and see that what I had said was actually true (because the guest responded to my message confirming that it was true, by not denying it).
Airbnb then said that they would restore the review except for my last paragraph. I started the last paragraph with: “WARNING TO OTHER SUPERHOSTS…” Then I told them that this guest was a real complainer and had left great reviews for all non-superhosts but nasty and untrue reviews for all superhosts she had stayed with.
Airbnb said that didn’t have anything to do with her stay… which was true, I guess. Anyway, they put the rest of the review back in its entirety except for that last part. But the rest of the review was enough for any host in their right mind to get the basic idea.
We were so happy about that and laughing so hard! Because for about 5 days this guest had the satisfaction of seeing our whole review removed, and then about a week later it all reappeared!!! We were just thinking how horrible she must have felt - and it made our day!
(Oh, and we have since gotten a tea kettle - which still no one has touched. Two years of doing this, she was the only person who ever asked for one).