Guest with social anxiety, strong depression and panic attacks

I am a nursing student and had some lady show me a rash she had from an allergic reaction to something. Lol #nurselife

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@Sarah_39 Wait until your Dad asks you to explain his new prostate medication and why he should take it. Or better yet wait until your friend’s husband insists on pulling his shirt off at a dinner party to show you is recent surgical site.

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My dad won’t even let me practice taking blood pressure on him, lol. But my boyfriend is the best practice dummy ever!

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I am not a social service agency.

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Please please, for the love of god, do not use a TV show as justification for interfering in someone else’s mental health condition.
I agree with those that have misgivings about looking at a guest’s medication and coming to conclusions. Millions of people take anti-depressants. They are no more likely to have “an episode” (whatever the f that means) than you freaking out over a guest having medication in the fridge…
Mind your own business!


I am not using a TV show to justify anything, just illustrate the potential downside of neglect. The expert professional opinion behind that show emphasises the vulnerability of young people and their reluctance to come forward. Of this everyone needs to be aware, because it has an impact on the human race as a whole and we’re not getting things right at the moment.
I am not freaking out about the fridge at all. I am expressing an opinion about the responsible storage of medication and a preference for it not to be in my in my fridge. Putting it in my space does make me wonder if it’s a cry for me to notice. People on average are much more self contained.

I have C-Ptsd, alcoholism, and a whack of other stuff. I make no bones about it (obviously) :blush: and in fact have accommodated many guests with mental illness and/or trauma. I am rather proud of my place being considered a safe place.

Your guest is not making a secret of this and apparently he feels comfortable enough. Take your cues from him.

If his behavior makes you uncomfortable, it is you, not him, who decides what is acceptable in your home. It doesn’t always work out, same as any other guest.


A lot of drugs nowadays treat different conditions, anxiety meds can help muscle spams, depression meds can treat chronic pain nerve or neuropathic pain. I have seen caffeine given to preterm babies which helps apnea. Domperidone is for your stomach, it also helps increase breast milk in lacatating women.

I have in my guest book, we are both first aid trained, have experience of numerous illnesses, so if you ever feel poorly while with us, let me know, you are not on your own. If you ever want to talk, i have 2 good ears and make a great of tea.
Just leave it simple and open