Guest used my laptop without my permission

@Astaire - “you mean appropriatity of you’re grammer critic?”

(ahem) Astaire…you’ve got three out of your seven words misspelled. Can you find them?

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@Magwitch, @Magwitch, @Astaire,

You have your fun. Don’t mind me. Just know that typos (especially those I can’t correct) cause me pain.

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I’d’ve probably reacted like you did. But since you took the pain of doing so, I moved on for the fun bit :wink:

@CanadianHost, YES! This seems to be a thing with kids these days! On more than one occasion, when friends or family (sometimes quite extended family) are here with school age kids, I’ve had one of them ask me where my computer is, as if it’s a given that they will be able to just use it!


Just like the bathroom. I do see parallels…LOL.

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This sucks, esp as your high season is approaching. Can you take a one month break that ends right before Thanksgiving? I’m sorry you’re dealing with such crappy guests, it’s a horrible feeling.


I wish I could just go back in time and not take this guest who’s caused me so much heartache. Truly the worst of Airbnb.

I did block off the calendar for September, then I have a Trip Advisor guest for two weeks, two short Airs and my dear friend is coming to spend two weeks and insists on paying my nightly rate for the room for two weeks.

I had a busy summer for some reason and never got the break I usually do.

Thanks for your concern, this has been a real hard one.



I admit I’m a little nervous for you about the TA guests who are staying for 2 wks.

Last year, I changed my max stay to 8 nights because I started seeing a pattern in the reviews. Guests who stayed for up to a week were effusive in their reviews and stated how much they loved the place and wished they could have stayed longer. Guests who stayed longer gave somewhat tepid reviews or, more often, didn’t do a review at all (thank goodness!).

I surmised that with longer stays, once guests are over the whirlwind of exploring and being out and about, they spend more time in the condo. There are some guests who make themselves at home and adapt happily in my small condo. (Those are the returnees, the more mature crowd).

Other guests focus on the flaws in the accommodation, and boredom or dissatisfaction sets in. (Sadly, that is how I am when we stay in a place for over two weeks.)


She’s a single lady from Canada and sounds super dear in her correspondence so fortunately I am not expecting any bad stuff from her.

But I’ve been blindsided before so anything could happen!!!

But I TOTALLY agree about stays longer than about a week. It does give them much more time to find the flaws and be pissed about all the driving. The most recent jerk was a twelve day booking. never again. That is too long… Totally totally agree.

Even before you wrote this I was thinking of limiting my max to ten days or maybe even seven.

My very best, sweetest and nicest review in the history of the world was a one night stay!!!


Yep, singles have been good for me. I can recall 5 off-hand, 3 gals and 2 guys. One guy was an arse though. Glad he didn’t leave a review because I was going to let him have it with both barrels.

Hope your lady guest arrives in a rental car or you may find yourself having to schlep her around.


No, no and no…:rofl::rofl::rofl:. I don’t schlep nor do I provide any sort of transportation in any way shape or form. I make it clear that they MUST have a rental car, it is mandatory…

I think I’ve told the story of the guest who missed her flight during sold out Ironman and they gave away her rental car. I used my contacts to help her find a new one and she thanked me with a backhanded review listing all the reasons why she didn’t like my place but happy I saved her trip and found them a car. WTF!

That, my friends, was the last time, the very last time, I helped anyone get a car.


Boy-oh-boy…you’ve had some real doozies!! Hadn’t heard that story before but it’s obvious you won’t be needing any contributing hosts for your upcoming book about VR guests, “Just When You Thought You Heard Everything!” … :smile:

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A lot of stories over eight years, but honestly 99% have been very very good. (Make that 95%'with this latest jerk face.) :poop:

My guests are renting a room with use of kitchen and laundry. I never expect them to get comfortable in the living area. Because each bedroom has a TV and good chairs, there’s no need for them to be in the living area at all.

So far no one has messed with my laptop. I have given permission for them to print an occasional document on the wireless printer. One couple who bought a car while here wanted to use my (then not in use) license plate to save them $400. They had no plan as to how I would get my plate back when I bought a car in future and they had moved on to who knows where. No.

Not only that and the scheme being illegal but you’d be getting the notices for the parking tickets overdue notices. Some people have no sense.

Reminds me of the time I tried arguing with the ticket lady at the Uffizi in Florence that she should let me in even though I hadn’t bought my ticket 24 hours in advance. It was early September so just after the end of Summer and the August busy period when everyone in Europe is on holiday. She looked at me, and then she looked at the queue and said, in English and very loudly: “Peoples, go back to your countries!”. I think she had had enough of tourists.


She should be made the mayor of Barcelona lol.


Maybe we should update the “3 day fish rule” to AirBnB guests? “Fish and guests, they both go off after 3 days, (7 days if they are paying us to hold our nose)”.


I may be a week late to this fracas, and at the risk of stirring up any more controversy, here are my two cents: Yes, you should mention that in their review.

Airbnb guests are people, and people are often flawed - sometimes, they touch your stuff, sometimes they eat your snacks, sometimes they drink your single malt… Airbnb hosts are people too, and often they can be quite particular about things.

Should that dude have touched your laptop? I don’t know. Probably not. But maybe he has family in Tornado Alley, and maybe he was concerned, and wanted to catch a little news. It’s not like he was in your email, or trolling your Facebook.

Yes, it was a faux pas, a party foul, a slight indiscretion… and you should 100% mention it in their review.

But, you gotta ask yourself - is this whole conversation even worth having? Seems like the first three people should have just answered, “Yes, you should mention that in his review.” And then we could all go about our day, knowing that you were justified in … writing down words about the news-watching guy who meddled with your laptop.

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Sorry, you are taking this a bit too casually. What if she had just logged into her online banking or something super private? The fact that it was news was just irrelevant. If he’d had loved ones in Tornado alley, he should have brought his own device or asked first. Not just grab a personal laptop and surf to a site of his choice. Wrong on so many levels.

Even our three year old special needs/disabled preschoolers in the classes I teach know better.