Guest request to bring "retired police dog"

You know @gypsy , this is the problem of having a nice Airbnb like yours. Guests get angry when you deny them.

If you had a plain vanilla listing like mine, they move on quickly and find something else. :rofl: :rofl:


I think you mean ESAs. Service animals are protected.


HAHA yes I’d get sore too if I couldn’t enjoy Tiny Tiki!

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Yes, thank you. I’ve edited it.

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I think I’ve denied three in 4+ years/.
Generally regretful but it felt right at the time.

New to the forum…different nations different rules - we are a no pets FHL and it seems to work well - so far. Heard so many horror stories about pet damage that we decided to go No Pets as a hard and fast rule. Welcome note also reiterates this. The flip side of non-pets is what about guests who have allergies(?) We recently had a guest who had a bad reaction to dog hairs and feathers (absolutely no problems with his stay) - the implication of pets is the need for deep clean at quite some extra expense. (As an aside on another residential rental we had the tenant ask if his daughter could keep a (note singular) rabbit as a pet. We agreed - got to smile looking back - when the tenant moved out we discovered that they had close to started a rabbit farm - burrows all over the garden (quite a lot of earth needed to back fill), straw in under stairs cupboards - garage full of rabbit droppings and straw/bedding - you get the picture…lesson learnt give an inch, some people take several miles.)