Guest request to bring "retired police dog"

Yeah, that’s the drag about requests. They sit there blocking the calendar to other bookings while the host waits for a non-responder to reply, or going through back and forth messaging, or “Awaiting payment”. The latter is probably the biggest drag, as with the first two, the host can decide to decline at any point and the calendar opens up, but awaiting payment on an accepted request can block the dates for up to 24 hrs, only for the guest’s payment to fall through.


I’m all for you enforcing any policy regarding pets that you have.

But I want to say that the idea that this would be some smelly old dog who would damage things or leave some stench in your place are ill founded. If in fact the dog was going to be with the owner 24/7 as he stated, there is unlikely to be any damage. Young couples celebrating an anniversary are more likely to damage your rental.

In any case, it’s done now and the fellow and his old dog are free to find a different location for their June mid week holiday. Feel free to send them a link to my listing. It’s not as pretty by a long shot though.

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Our bf had a Golden Therapy dog that got to this ones age (9) and I would not have wanted sweet Toma’s fur and other leavings near Tiny TIki<><>

One girl, with her not a service dog and it may be hot by then, can’t safely stay in a car, so she will have it with her 100% of the time (???) The last service dog at least one of the two guests could stay with the animal when the other had an errand to do.

We have had almost no damage and mostly its romance/ couples who book.

Well, to be fair, she may not be planning on going anywhere except out for walks. Your area looks so beautiful that if I booked it, I’d arrive with all the groceries I needed and just relax and enjoy myself there.

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Yes we like it when guests do that! Our treat package makes sure guests won’t starve, get thirsty or miss breakfast.

However the closest “walks” are just the long steep driveway and on private property trails where they have to go with me, and Bella, and Loki preferably…who do not like other dogs.

Loki is feeling better but still must rest. His tumor is slowly diminishing. Hopefully not cancerous. He is such a PRINCE!


I also do not feel any compassion for people who bring fake service animals or want to bring pets to a no pets listing.



guest response to decline!!!

“exactly”, “must be On a leash,” “you’ve had other experiences where you had no issues with service dogs”, and more. So “clearly”, you have the misunderstanding.
Second of all my golden retriever is a service dog thank you. “Clearly, your golden retriever is not a service dog”…. How can you state that when you have absolutely no clue! You didn’t ask for her paperwork, which I would’ve gladly provided with license by the Sacramento police department.
If you absolutely wanted no animals, you should’ve stated that in your first message to me. Versus

6 paragraphs about how it would be ok, but recommended to stay at home

I will definitely be sharing this with Airbnb services and service dog associations."

mine here after seeing THIs

:crazy_face: Why didn’t you state that your retired police dog is a service dog? If this fact had been made clear by you, none of this confusion would have happened.

Is there a chance that the person is confusing “service” (as in public service such as police officers fire fighters, etc.) and “service animal” that is trained to perform a health-related situation? I don’t know why a health-related service dog would have papers from the Sacramento police department.


Guest 1st note entire.

“Me and my dog if possible. She is a retired police dog (9year old Golden retriever)”

I’m trying to find out if police service is automatic lifetime “service dog”. I thought that service animals were supposed to help their handlers. Which I guess a police dog would do, but this I assume owner is not using it as a police dog anymore.

No, police dogs are not service dogs. They are entirely unrelated.

Why not just decline this guy’s request? I don’t understand. I thought that was the whole point of using RTB, so you could decline guests that you don’t want.


First of all service dogs do not have “licenses” or “paperwork” and second of all the Sacremento police department doesn’t have dick to do with service dogs.


I did decline and this is the bs shes throwing at me

See if you can get Airbnb to block this person.


Airbnbn will probably side with her if she takes it to them as she has threatened to do. Yesterday, CS agreed with me no pets at a no pets listing. Of course she can pay for a “certified service animal badge”, and if she produces that, Air will ding me somehow,
I expect.

You can block her yourself so that you don’t have to call in and deal with Airbnb. On the website (I don’t know if the app is the same or not), go to that last message she sent you and:

  1. click on the three little gray dots to the right of it
  2. click on “Report this Message”
  3. click on “They’re being offensive”
  4. click on “OK”
  5. click on “They’re being abusive or hostile”
  6. click on “OK”
  7. type in “they’re harassing me” in the box that says, “Describe how they being abusive or hostile”
  8. click on “submit”
  9. click on “Yes, I want to block them”

Wow, she sounds like real charmer. Probably would have been an entitled, PITA guest even without the dog.
A service dog is defined as one that performs a task for a handler with a disability. Not one that’s been used in police work.

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Denied guest now digging her own grave and showing signs of host harassment.

Julia12:13 PM

Why didn’t you state that your retired police dog is a service dog? If this fact had been made clear by you, none of this confusion would have happened.

Julia12:40 PM

I don’t know why a health-related service dog would have papers from the Sacramento police department.

Aguest9:59 PM

When did I ever say she is a health related dog. I didn’t. Simply said she is a retired service dog. Police dogs are device dogs.

p/s I’m changing my wording for people that ask about bringing their dogs to be much more clear, direct, stronger against and include the TWO QUESTIONS//// :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

** “Is the dog a service animal required because of your disability?”*
** “What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?”*


Please let us know if the message blocking process works.
I have tried to use it and it doesn’t get to the end to finalise.


Nice work, gypsy. You managed to lead her into stating unequivocally that the dog performed no health-related tasks.
You’d make a good police interrogator. :rofl:

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@gypsy It’s amazing how quickly they show their true colors. She sounds like the one I had last summer who went ballistic when I refused her ESA, same threats, said she would get me shut down. When she found out emotional support animals were no longer protected she pulled out the “my husband is a disabled vet card” and you’re not allowed to refuse them either. SMH.