What does everyone use for a guest registration book? I had a really nice one but they don’t make it anymore.
I really like for people to sign in and hoping to find something nice online
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What does everyone use for a guest registration book? I had a really nice one but they don’t make it anymore.
I really like for people to sign in and hoping to find something nice online
I use this one and have had some great responses. It provides both prompts and space for personal comments. https://www.amazon.com/Journals-Unlimited-Write-Down-Visitors/dp/B001B8CMXS/ref=pd_sim_229_5?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B001B8CMXS&pd_rd_r=0J661GGFRWHN38DSXG9E&pd_rd_w=U4bV2&pd_rd_wg=ifXgv&psc=1&refRID=0J661GGFRWHN38DSXG9E
That looks really nice!! I don’t have one but have thought about purchasing one. I wish it didn’t ask for phone number and email address though.
I had a really nice one, beautiful cover, about 2" thick of plain lined paper, spiral bound. It was coveted by a guest and disappeared. I never replaced it.
I got a cute one from AC Moore (craft store) for a couple of dollars. It is pretty, spiral bound and guests use it. Nicer things have a tendency of ‘wandering off’.
Most guests don’t fill in that section. Actually, only about 40% write anything at all (I’m thinking it is because almost 50% of our guests are one nighters either just passing through to someplace else or in town for a specific one day/night event.)
The ones who do take the time have been great - even better comments than they leave online. Perhaps because it feels more personal. When I get discouraged that I don’t have a “real” job with a steady paycheck I reread the comments and reaffirm that I am doing something valuable.
I have a cheap spiral 1/2 page size one. It’s not a registration book, it’s just a place where they can write something if they feel like it. Like @Terryathome less than half write anything but I do enjoy some of the entries. I especially like that sometimes they leave a little sketch of some kind. I used to joke that I’d be selling it on ebay when and if any of my guests became famous (or infamous.)
I used to have a binder, with a collection of different note pads and pens in the front cover section, that guests could jot down a note if they wanted to.
As a matter of fact, I just went through it this morning discarding the contents since I’m not planning on ABB’ing anymore (reserving the right to change my mind, but if I do, I’m just not going to include that binder).
Some of the notes and messages were so sweet and reminded me that a majority of ABB guests can be really cool.
I have a feeling you’ll be back next season. I hope so.
I’m not saying this is THE thing to do. Just sharing as an idea and if copying part of this saves you some time/effort.
I created a guestbook: purchased nice 3 ring binder & printed my own pages. Here is the plain text copy. I used fun text font & colorful clip art to make the page interesting and two comment sections per page. The day before checkout I touchbase with guests, remind them of the 1:00 pm checkout time, and ask them to complete a page in the guest book.
Please share information about the restaurants, shows, and activities you enjoyed during your vacation. In a way, you will be paying your “fun-time” forward by helping the next guest with your recommendations.
If you have concerns or ideas about how the condo could be better, please call me at (###)###-####.
Names: _________________________________________ Date of visit: ____________
Best thing you did? _______________________________________________________
Best restaurant? __________________________________________________________
What do you want to do again? _____________________________________________
Best surprise? ____________________________________________________________
Best thing about your stay? ________________________________________________
More ideas to share? ______________________________________________________
Got one on Amazon cheap, i think it was for funerals, it is dark blue and serious looking.
However, nobody wrote in it and it just took up space so it’s relegated to my box of random office supplies. Guess the kids can use it for my memorial service!
Anything will do really, as long as it has spiral pages so you can tear out anything inappropriate! I find kids like to draw pictures of their family and of my neighbour’s cat. It’s cute.
I bought this one and embellished it with beach stickers, words, postcards. Some guests write. I swear it disappeared from the house once but it is back. It is great seeing that often maybe the kid was assigned to write. Once, a painter in town made a painting with my house in it and the guests at the time wrote about that! I have also seen this book available at an independent shop so not just at amzn