Guest Mystery Unfolding

We have a repeat couple staying with us dealing with her mother’s declining health in a nearby town. She has PTSD which usually just manifests as bringing a lot of stuff she might need, hyper vigilance around cleanliness, and occasionally sharing tales of woe. She is otherwise very sweet and appreciative. Her husband is steady as a rock and knows how to calm her and does everything he can to make her comfortable. Yesterday my husband was working in our large hall getting some things in and out of cupboard. The bathroom and his workroom open in to the same hall. She asked him how long he was going to work in the hall because she cannot take a shower in the bathroom with someone in the hall. That was sort of the last straw for him and he asked that I not book them anymore. She was apologetic and her husband shared some insight on her behavior with me. We only have one more night to deal with and we are going out so I thought it would be fine. This morning there is a white noise machine running outside their bedroom right across from ours. We have not seen them. Our back door is still locked from last night and the guy’s car is gone. She does not drive. I love a good mystery, but this puzzle has me baffled. I’ll give it a few hours and see what happens by the time we leave. It has my hubby quite excited, but I’m kind of amused.

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How intriguing. Keep us informed. :slight_smile:

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You’d think they wouldn’t book a homeshare if she has issues with taking a shower in a bathroom with a lock on the door just because someone (and not some random stranger- she knows your husband) might be in the hallway.

Entitlement always triumphs over logic, Ms. M…


My first response was to wonder if your property is in Maine.

…Making popcorn…awaiting the conclusion!

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Popcorn popped :popcorn: , wine poured :wine_glass: Eagerly awaiting follow up! :seat:




But what was the conclusion?

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