Guest Messages: Name or no name

When guests send you that first message with their booking enquiry or introduction, how many on average address you by name?

Have you noticed a discernible difference in the attitudes (and ultimately reviews) of those who address you by name in the early messages as against those who don’t?

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I’ve never noticed. I just took a quick look at my message thread and based on the small sample of first page of messages (on desktop site) about half used my name in their booking message. I have about 95% instant book guests and since no message is needed to make the booking it’s not surprising that some of those messages are rather abbreviated. I have all 5 stars in that group. It seems that the more effusive reviews were more likely to use my name but I’m not going to make a spreadsheet or anything.

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YES! I have!

The ones who say “Hey! Is your room available…” tend to be under 30-ish and don’t read

Is your room free for the following dates - usually polite and maybe new to Airbnb (and may not read) - can be great but the New Guest Learning Curve (TMHH) does take a bit more energy on our part. Usually end up appreciative and happy to be in a nice, friendly home.

In town for work -the best because they’re never here! - low maintenance, business like, usually friendly and are rarely stayer-iners - appreciate organization and don’t complain because they’re so busy at work and not being here. Also (you guessed it) don’t read, but aren’t generally partiers and just want somewhere to sleep and shower.

That’s been my experience.

Also, people who write something about themselves tend to realize that I’m trying to get a feel for them to see what the fit would be like, so then there’s often a definite shift where they realize that it’s up to me to decide whether to accept their booking request or not. POWER!!! :muscle::muscle::muscle:

I’ve also learned to just DECLINE (@konacoconutz) anyone who is already a hassle before even booking/arriving. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super friendly, but have just wasted too much time in the past on guests (homestay) who had a billion questions, held a long-term booking space and then didn’t book (no penalty, no fee and lost $ for me). Not to mention the guests who were a pain in the butt beforehand, were ALWAYS a nightmare from the get-go.

When people are actually thinking of you (the host), I find they end up being better guests. Also, when anyone has written that they are quiet and polite - they have been - 100% of the time! So there’s that.


@HappyHost 's experiences are similar to mine. My business travelers usually IB so the initial communication (if any) rarely includes my name.

However I usually develop better relationships with the guests who invest time in communicating.

I think it is the relationship that drives getting a meaningful end of stay review. (Meaningful doesn’t always mean 5 star–I’ve made my share of hosting mistakes). However the guests with whom I’ve developed a relationship tend to be more forgiving and very helpful.

There is fine line between “new to Airbnb so lots of questions” and “I don’t want to take responsibillity for doing anything my self about my trip”. Sometimes I have trouble telling where that line is. I’m happy to help out a new-be.


I am inclined to believe that those who don’t use my name are making multiple duplicate inquiries to hosts before they book. I’ve also found the more generic inquiries have not read my listing and on several recent occasions thought it was a whole house rental and had to withdraw their request to book.

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Yeah, I’ll second that emotion between newbies and lazies!

However, I think with the lazies (TMHH, I’m on a roll!: 0 ) if they’re not asking distance from your place to, say a tourist attraction, for example (prior to booking), I do that “There are a lot of brochures in a binder in your room that you’ll see and I’ll be happy to make some suggestions once you arrive”. By then, they may have done their own research. The only times I’ve made an exception (twice) was for a fantastic. Airbnb host who was only here for 2 days, and for another guest who was also only here for a weekend and both wanted to really see a lot and maximize their time. I suggested itineraries (just in terms of what opens when and what is close to something else) and they were delighted.

I just try to do what I would l like if my hosts did when I travel (except for the bags of money and spa days they’d be providing me daily)! ; 0 )

Almost all address me by name. I had two REALLY bad guests within the last year. Both addressed me by name in their first inquiry and gave me the reason for their trips.

I remember one guest who didn’t send a message, didn’t respond to questions and had a cartoon for a profile. Turned out to be the sweetest guest in the world. Just a bit shy.

What worries me is not the ones who seem a little dodgy upon initial inquiry, but the ones who, by all observations are perfectly normal, and then turn out to be psychopaths! :-1::tired_face::grimacing:


It annoys me when they misspell my name. Happens all the time. Can’t they read? Well we know the answer to that…

Sorry to hear that Shanhgai


Haha #Astaire, it is far worse than that. Misspelling and miss pronunciation. I have carried on my legacy as my sons all have Gaelic names and spellings. My real name is so simple really.

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Hmm, do they call you miss while you happen to be Mr?? :wink:

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Nup. Just an easy name that everyone mispronounces.

I’ve found normally older people are politer and address you by your name

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