Guest complained & now wants money for a good review

You are being overly generous with the $100 offer. Upon receiving the guest’s negative response to that offer, I would have said, “my Airbnb is NOT the same as a hotel, I’ve tried to accommodate you, but my offer stands”. I would then not refund anything until the review process has expired.
You can’t expect Airbnb to do anything until an actual review has been posted.

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What nerve that guest showed! I think Richard went above and beyond what a host is expected to do. You definitely have a “Karen” on your hands!
I would include info in my review that could forewarn another host to the tactics of this guest.


Airbnb barely helps hosts anymore. Most of time the peo we talked to we don’t even understand them neither do they to us as they are not even from USA . They just sent you copy and paste messages as help . It’s very sad . I don’t know since they are multi millionaire company why they are so stingy to hire help from America.

Are you American? Because I’m American and, ironically, this sentence is terrible English.


You say that as if ‘hiring from America’ would provide better service…

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“According to the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of U.S. adults 16-74 years old – about 130 million people – lack proficiency in literacy, reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.”


Nope- review shows after 14 days. Or after you both review.
Double blind system

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Going back to the smart lock issue—do you mind mind telling me the brand? I’m considering installing a smart lock at one of my AirBnBs. However, the AirBnB I’m staying at right now has one and it totally didn’t work—and neither did the back up keypad. I finally had to resort to their backup, backup plan—a lock box with a physical key. The directions to the lockbox weren’t very clear. It took me 25 minutes to get in the place and I was beyond annoyed. I would never want that to happen to a guest.

If you are asking about the SmartLock that has given me trouble it’s a Schlage Encode. I use three of them - two on the Airbnb listings I co-host and one on my front door. The Schlage Home app is how I remotely operate and manage all three. Each is working fine now. I think part of the problem has been the cheap, generic AA batteries I’ve used in them.

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Yes, if they review you and you don’t leave a review before the 14 day window, theirs will then show up.

@BearsLair Are you a new host? It doesn’t seem like you’ve read anything on Airbnb policies- not about service animals, not about reviews, probably a lot of other stuff. Take some time to do that.

All reviews are published. It doesn’t matter whether both parties leave a review or only one.


This is what they posted on another thread they just started:

“I have two units and have had a solid 5.0 on one, since I started it two+ years ago, the other one is currently a 4.93.”

It seems that way, doesn’t it. But isn’t why that forum exists, so people can get their help custom tailored to their lifestyle? :wink:


I don’t get how someone can host for 2 years and still think that if they don’t leave a review for the guest, the guest’s review won’t be published.

I also don’t understand where this false notion, which I have read a lot, comes from. I’ve asked hosts who’ve said this, and never gotten an answer.

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We’ve seen a lot of hosts here who don’t know much about the policies. Some stick around and learn. Some can’t stand the heat and leave.

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It’s one thing not to have bothered to read the policies. I’ve just always been curious about where the false notion about the “won’t be published if I don’t write one” comes from. They must have read that somewhere where it wasn’t corrected and took it as the truth.

@BearsLair where did this notion come from?

It’s also possible that if you host a couple of years with no problems it never becomes an issue to familiarize yourself with all the policies. If you review all your guests anyway you’d never know yours wouldn’t be published.

UPDATE TO ORIGINAL POST (7/17/2021): I waited until there were only 17 seconds left to review Karen, then smashed that submit button! She didn’t leave a review, or at least did not review in time. Thanks to all the Airhosts on this forum for their helpful responses and strategic thinking. You guys really had my back!

Here’s my review of Karen (declined to host again & one star rating across the board):
“Would never host Karen again. She demanded money for claiming to see a common tropical flying insect on the ceiling.”

Short, sweet and to the point! Thanks everyone!