Guest Booked has Cvd What to do with booking

My main guest, party of four has Cvd and isn’t coming 2 days out of reservation. They have told me two guests still coming but they want me to liaises with them off platform and adjust reservation for two instead of four. Not really wanting to do that.

Should I ask guest to cancel?

If they cancel will AirBnb refund them which is against my policy? Thank you

Tell them you can’t do that, blame Airbnb’s policies.

Easy solution is to request that the folks who are coming open Airbnb accounts, then get booking guest to add them to the the reservation. Even one should be enough.

Do not amend the reservation, just in case :wink: if you are going to refund the difference, send them money via the resolution centre.



if they have covid airbnb will refund them, that is the only extenuating circumstance that I know will get a 100% refund


As @balivilla said, Airbnb will give the guest a full refund if he proves he has covid. So, if you want to keep even a partial booking, I’d suggest you let the guest know that and tell him to cancel and to call Airbnb for extenuating circumstances and then tell him to have one of his two guests book your place for themseleves. It’s best to handle with kindness and understanding because your new possible guests are friends with him. On the other hand you could just let him cancel and try for a last minute booking but there’s no reason to fight the refund.


What about just keeping the existing booking amend to two people and the main person is still Responsible?
Or should he cancel and his mates rebook under their name.
They arrive tomorrow.

nope - have them cancel.

the other two could rebook if they want.

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It would be a third party reservation if the primary doesn’t show. AirBnB will allow you to break their TOS to do it but then will not support you because of it if there are issues.

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Thanks I think I’ll just take the chance with this one. It’s seems genuine two travelling have Cvd so have been stopped, the other two are coming from different areas and states and are still travelling.
If he cancels they may book elsewhere and I lose entire booking. I have already lost multiple bookings as Tasmania has opened borders and Cvd Spreading fast. So over Cvd.

I would refuse to negotiate for a price reduction because of the guest not being able to come. (What about the third person?) Because I don’t charge extra for extra people, it doesn’t apply.

If however, I did charge more for four than for two, I’d be prepared to reduce the price accordingly by removing the 2 extra persons fee. (This is in my case. I realise it wouldn’t apply to all hosts).

As the reservation starts tomorrow, I would rather have the third party booking than be hustling around looking for other guests to fill the rental at such short notice,

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I accepted the reservation change which means losing $60 as I charge $15 pp per night for over two guests essentially to help with linen laundry.


I would also have reduced the price since it was applicable in your price structure…

& I would at least reproduce/summarize all offline comm w/ the folks who show up on the app w/ the primary renter as well (they need not respond). I like @JohnF’s input but I’m clueless on how it would work.

@JohnF: your suggestion indicates a host can communicate with any/all guests on a reservation if their accounts are linked to the res? How does that work I’ve never had a booking like that.