Got this airbnb in mail for free?!

Did any of you get sent a book on the “airbnb story?” I got one in the mail…don’t plan to read it either,I already know their story.

Yes I did get it. Mine had a little flyer in the front explaining why I got it.

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I must be the only one in here who will have to buy it :smiley:

I didn’t get one either, but I’m always feeling left out on this forum what with no problem guests, damage claims or canceled bookings refunded against my will. :wink:


Me neither! I guess you have to suffer to earn the free book!

Do tell. Why did you get it?

I got one. It came with a note:

"Dear Friend,

As one of the longest tenured Airbnb Superhosts, you’ve been part of a community that’s changing how people travel, connect, and make this world a place where anyone can belong anywhere.

This story wouldn’t be what it is without you - so we thought you might like to see just what you’ve helped create. We hope you enjoy this copy of the first ever behind-the-scenes look at the history of Airbnb.

Thank you for all you do for your guests and to set the standard for world-class hospitality.

The Airbnb Team"

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I got it out of the library, yep - the good old-fashioned library - a few weeks ago, I found it very interesting.

Hi @EllenN,

Thanks for transcribing the note. That’s interesting, but doesn’t tell us what criterion they used to send out those books.

@faheem I believe that the above quote is the reason.

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My book arrived today. I’m not kidding when I say I was disappointed. I ordered “Lily and the Octopus” on Amazon a couple of days ago and I was excited that it had arrived! Except when I flipped the package over I saw the Airbnb logo on the package instead. Sigh. The book is in the guest room for now but I do intend to read it when I get time.