From £100, but clicking it reveals only £70 a night, even Saturday

Me no unnerstans!

Is it the smart price thing, now that holiday season is ‘over’?
Would make more sense if banner said 'from £70"

well, when I book, the £100 price comes back.

Somewhere on your calendar is the £70 price and so that’s how it shows up in search. Many prospective guests don’t like that feature either as it’s misleading, but it is what it is.


It’s quite a recent feature too. It used to show your standard set rate, but now digs around the calendar to find the lowest. Not sure it’s a good thing.

Here in the US it’s at least 10 months old. I took a trip last fall and booked several airbnbs and this was a frustration for me.

Airbnb features is one area where the planet’s timezones work backwards!

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