Free turnover software - feedback wanted

So I would love to start using your product, and I appreciate that I can now “unpublish” a turnover but what I need is for the turnovers to not autopublish in the first place. I want them to synch to my calendar, but not publish to anyone until I decide. I sometimes do the cleaning myself, etc. and I have certain cleaners I prefer. One other thing is I don’t want the guests full name to show up for the cleaner. They don’t need to know anything about the guest!!

Hey @Arlene_Larsson, you can totally do fully manual scheduling where we sync with your calendar, but new bookings are hidden from your cleaners. You just have to uncheck the checkmark as shown below and publish new turnovers to the cleaner of your choice. They still have to accept the turnover though.

Pretty soon, we’re going to allow hosts to prioritize cleaners which might also help you.
As far as the notes are concerned, we’re going be reformatting the notes section soon. In the mean time, you can remove the guest name and put your own relevant notes that your cleaner can use to prepare your property.

@WiscoJake Hey, we launched that delete your cleaner feature on our platform that you were asking about. Let us know if you have any problems!

Thanks guys! Perfect.

We launched a couple more features this week, if anyone’s interested.

  • Ability to ad a co-host - someone that access and manage your admin account with their own credentials (i.e. their own user name and password)

  • Ability to limit which cleaners can see which property’s turnovers. So we had this issue locally where one of our hosts has properties on Kauai and Maui, but didn’t want her Maui cleaners to see her Kauai turnovers

  • Ability to change your email notification settings - we received requests both ways, some hosts wanted more reminders and some wanted less

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Due to popular demand, we’ve released a bunch of new features in the last few weeks:

  1. Flexible Turnover Window – This allows your cleaner to clean up to 1-7 days after a check-out if you don’t have a booking. The window is automatically shortened and your cleaner is notified if a new booking occurs during that window.

  2. Add cleaning price – You can let your cleaner know how much they will earn for each project

  3. You can limit how far in advance your cleaners will be alerted to new turnovers – this prevents cleaners getting notifications about project in Summer 2018, lol. :joy:

  4. Other minor tweaks around the platform to enhance user experience.

We’ve had a fun time building this project, and we hope you guys like our free tool.


It’s been a couple of months, so I just wanted to give everyone an update. In addition to the free cleaner scheduling software that you guys helped to build (thanks guys), we now have an option that allows hosts to find new cleaners in their area, which we’re totally stoked on.


@Arlene_Larsson So it took awhile for this one, but we finally have the prioritization feature you mentioned awhile back. We added the ability to create primary cleaners and backup cleaners - and backup cleaners only receive notifications about a project when all the primary cleaners have rejected.


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Yay!!! It’s been awhile since I’ve looked at the product but will try to take a look and try to actually use it in the next week or so. Thanks so much.

I would like you to take this with the interested hosts offline.
We aren’t really a place for people to test products.