Feeling guilty for giving a bad review

Well said!
You were an excellent host; he was an inconsiderate guest. Both left accurate reviews. No problem.

I am like a maniac with the requisite 4 hours in between. Iā€™m a slow cleaner. Lol. In this situation I would have been beside myself. Kudos to you for keeping your cool.

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Thank goodness for my next guests who communicated so well and told me their arrival time which gave me a couple extra hours.

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Same, @gayeburch . I have space built between all my future reservations, two to three days in my case for a number of reasons, but I would (usually) make adjustments for friends/family. I say usually, because I did say no to a nephewā€™s request recently. Couldnā€™t safely accommodate him, and he only wanted a holiday. Nothing essential.
Anyway, back to your question. Why, that poor guest. All he was asking was to be able to ignore rules, leave a mess and hang around forever inconveniencing everyone, and you call him out?
Good job. :grinning:


Thanks for the honest review. I always look at reviews from other hosts view point. I ask ā€œwould I want to know about xyz?ā€ If it would be a deal breaker or good to know then I put it into the review. If it not, then I shrug it off. I had a guest smoke outside, however did find ashes in bathroom. When smoking outside, they put their cigs out on the side of the house and wood railings. So burn marks all over the outside. Yes I did leave a bad review and she was ticked. Again, Iā€™m sure other future/potential hosts needed to know. Always look at it as would you want to know. For check out time, just let them know, what I do for 1 I have to do for all, so I canā€™t make an adjustment.

Thatā€™s a good attitude. As long as hosts take into account that some of us have entire place listings and some home-shares. If a host rents out an entire home, the fact that the guest was curt and unfriendly in communication might not matter much to them, and wouldnā€™t consider it important to mention in the review, whereas a home-share host would find that guestā€™s demeanor to be quite uncomfortable to share space with.

I have noticed that experienced Airbnb guests also gear their reviews to be informative to future guests, rather than being all about them. Theyā€™ll leave factual reviews that say things like ā€œGood water pressure, comfortable bed, quiet area, Wifi isnā€™t high speed but adequate for checking email, etc. Many cafes in town if you need to hook up to higher speeds. Listing was as advertised, host was responsive. Would stay here again.ā€

Appreciate the honesty. I, too, just gave a ā€œwill not host againā€. Went down after my guest left and a vase full of fresh flowers was gone. Wrote and asked if guest had placed said vase somewhere. He replied that his wife thought they were for her so they took them.

Umā€¦ first time in two years that has happened.

People are so funny, take notes and write yourself an amusing journal. My guy was nice enough, gave a 5 star review. Just glad his wife didnā€™t fancy the sofa or tv.

You have to laughā€¦ you just have to laugh.


An excellent answer to your question.

I for sure need to keep a diary. One guy literally leaves five bags full of groceries. I know he thinks he is helping out but it makes clean up so time consuming. He is a return guest and pleasant so itā€™s worth it.

And the issue here is?



We have an awesome honor system food bank here called the ā€œfree fridges,ā€ we often donate unopened things guests leave behind (like canned food or produce) to local food security projects.

We live soooo remote thereā€™s not a lot here like that. There was at our local bar for a while during covid some food boxes but not anymore I teach some kids once a week enrichment classes and I used some of the things for them. Stuff like breakfast bars and Gatorade. They loved it.

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Iā€™m so glad you left the review you did. I as a Host would want to know all this. I HATE it when people stink up my place with spices and do not use hood vent.
And he was just rude to stay past the extra you gave him. Heā€™s the kind of guest that takes the house out of air bnb for me. People who push and push.
You did Great! Donā€™t feel bad at all!!!

Thank you for being honest in your review. Being honest and factual makes this a better community for all of us.

I had a recent guest who left a bunch of groceries and a lot of cleanup. I gave them an extra hour checkout on the understanding she or her husband would start the first load of laundry (since that is the most time-consuming job). They promised they would, but they didnā€™t, and complained about not getting a free night because they came in later than they planned (4:30 a.m. instead of midnight). She was more worried about whether the beer would be used (thereā€™s a clue for you!), and when I wrote a bad review, she continued to harass me over my review. A month later, I finally blocked her.

I gotta say I have had way more wonderful guests than not. I also know that some people are sincerely and absolutely clueless about anything common sense.

You were absolutely correct to leave a bad review.


Call the church in your town, they might have a food pantry.


There is one at the community center but they stopped doing it. Iā€™m not sure why. But Iā€™ll check around again.


Ran across this article online by Timothy Oā€™Brien of Bloomberg Opinions. Most interesting to see what made Airbnb change their minds about a negative review.
Airbnb Took Down My Negative Review. Why?

Candid feedback, in theory, helps keep everybody honest, unless thereā€™s a thumb on the scale.