Face masks are compulsory

I have one life and I intend to keep it. We don’t get a second chance.
Mask wearing is a simple way of REDUCING the possibility of contracting a LIFE LIMITING OR A FATAL ILLNESS.


At least two White House super spreader events should convince anyone. I see a poll this morning that indicates the majority of Americans (>75%) think Biden won and even after a week of spreading their nonsense only 3% think Trump won and another small percentage don’t know. We need to quite letting him take all the air out of the room and focus on the pandemic. He won’t of course but scientists and hospital admins could have some sway with governors. And these Governors no longer need to fear Trump, they need to act to protect their constituents.

It’s looking like soon the pandemic will be taking all the air. People with non covid situations aren’t going to be able to get timely treatment. The pandemic is Trump’s undoing in every way.


Interesting turn of phrase.

I wondered why Trump was so over-the-top bullying to Andrew Cuomo & NY state earlier this year.

Turns out NY is now preparing to prosecute Trump for inappropriate actions related to Trump University & The Trump Foundation and taxes.

I was referring more to GOP governors who were tip toeing before the election. Trump can still exact revenge but it’s much more limited than if he won. They have to look at other things besides him in calculating what to do. You’d like saving lives would be the only thing to consider but they have their political calculations since most want to be re-elected. Abbott in TX is up in 2 years and may face the popular Beto O’Rourke.

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Your “personal freedom” is NOT more important than OUR health, or the health of your guests. Your views are the Epitome of American Selfishness.

This precise attitude is why the USA has, BY FAR, the HIGHEST rate of Covid worldwide. This is one case where being #1 is not something to be brag about.

Do you tell the flight attendant to F off when you are told to secure your seat belt? Or the cop who pulls you over for speeding? See how that works out for you.

Truly - do not even bother replying. People like you have BELIEF SYSTEMS and Feelings, not Facts. There is no debating with people like you, ever.

Honestly, I hope that every guest reports you to Air for refusing to wear a mask in their presence. And you will so richly deserve to be banned from the platform.


Hello. Take heart. I did not join this forum to read comments that put a stop to reasonable debate. I am seriously thinking of not conforming to airbnb’s edicts. For one thing I do not like to be threatened (if you don’t conform we will stop sending guests). I do not know how airbnb will check up that guests are doing the gruelling cleaning they ask for. People could sign up with no intention of doing what they are asked to do. Moreover it does not appear to be so important to clean assiduously if there is a three day gap between visits. As for masks; the debate wears on. Some people wear them because they believe they will stop infections, others because they want to conform, and others strongly object. In our country you can not wear a mask and no one has the right to challenge you. It is assumed that those who do not have health reasons for their decision. How does that sit with airbnb’s instructions? I have had several guests from within this country since the lock down and not one has been concerned about masks. My cleaning regime is always careful but I draw the line at washing curtains and mattress covers every time.

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As far as how will they know, I am sure there will be a question some how in the review process and if the algorithm picks up a couple of negative answers it will be off you go, because you agreed otherwise why the definitive start date?


The only “debate” is from those who refuse to follow science and no one who wears one does so to “conform”- they do so to protect themselves and others from spreading a highly contagious virus.

And that is exactly why the virus is still raging, because fools aren’t “concerned”.


People keep banging on about ‘many people can’t wear a mask because of health reasons’ yet doctors seem to agree that there are very few medical conditions that this applies to.

If people have medical conditions that are so bad that they genuinely can’t breathe when wearing a mask, then what are they doing being out?


There is no debate at all. There are people who are correct (we wear masks). And there are those who bark nonsense and harp on about “personal freedom”.


The time is past for tolerating these ridiculous anti maskers and science deniers. What death count will satisfy them? How many people have to get sick, how many health care workers have to be pushed to the brink?


The same health care workers they’d be expecting to attend to them and try to save their lives when they get sick with COVID- that’s what really pisses me off.

Anti-maskers should be denied medical treatment for COVID and they should be charged with a crime if they infect others by refusing to wear a mask in public places .


It’s getting to the point where I wonder if I have to move out of Texas and to a state where they follow science. They are going to be a disaster when it comes to future pandemics and climate change. I don’t think I could afford another place with the kind of Airbnb set up and I’d have to re-establish my dog boarding business. It’s a tough choice.

Absolutely. How hard can it be to wear a mask every time you go out? Most people have no problem with it, largely because they aren’t selfish twats. (Can I say that or should I edit it? :wink: )

I’d like to steal a Porsche then drive to Miami at 150mph, killing a few people along the way. After all, it’s my right, yes? Okay, there are laws that say I can’t. But they restrict my freedom don’t they?


I think if someone has a complaint about human scum being called human scum they can complain to the forum owner.


I can see where that sort of thought may be occurring to a lot of sane Americans. I’m kinda in the same position where I live in Mexico- almost no one is wearing masks, the place is full of tourists crowded cheek to jowl in bars and restaurants- it’s madness.

The problem is, it really should be the opposite. If the solidly red states started getting infiltrated by lots of liberals, who worked like Stacey Abrams has to combat voter suppression and disenfranchisement, and taught school, hopefully giving some of the children of these idiots some skills for critical thinking, sanity might eventually prevail. Not in our lifetimes, though.


It’s total BS- they just don’t want to wear one. No one “can’t breath” when wearing a mask. I saw a video where a doctor put on 8 surgical-grade masks, one on top of the other, to show that he could breathe just fine. There’s someone I know in GB who has asthma- she says she can’t wear one for a long time, but she still wears one for brief periods to go shopping and other public places. Because she knows that’s important. Those who claim they can’t wear one at all are such whiney babies.


Last week I went to Total Wine. Walking from parking lot were a woman smoking a cigarette & 3 masked adults. State wide mask mandate in effect. Smoker flips her cigarette & strolls into store. Employee says, “here is a mask if you don’t have one.” Her, “I can’t wear one-asthma”.

Liar liar pants on fire!!! She could smoke though.


So much “naughty step” material in this topic, from my personal perspective.

I can feel the “c word” noun just gagging to exit my keyboard, coupled with several appropriate adjectives.

Nuff said methinks,



The response (enforceable) to that should be “What a shame. But you can’t enter the store without one. I guess you’ll have to give someone who can wear a mask a shopping list for you.”

Would they let someone in the store with no pants on, bare bum? Bet they’d enforce that. No mask should be added to the definition of “indecent exposure”. Which is exactly what it is.