Extra guests cost?

If I go to the calendar, click on a reservation => show message history, there is a grey box above the message history where I can “change or cancel” the reservation. I have used this twice when guests have asked for special accommodations and have agreed in a message to pay more. And I have used this once to refund a bit of money to someone who was unable to stay and gave us their cruise tickets.


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Thank you I’ll try that

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We have 23 dollars per extra person per night if we have to put extra beds and sheets.

If they supply extra beds plus sheets, I can agree for half if I am on a nice day plus we don’t offer any breakfast.

VV[quote=“Maggieroni, post:16, topic:6489”]
Stop over identifying with your guests, just do what we are telling you :grinning::heart_eyes:
Ok so this must be an epidemic, I just got a reservation for one person coming for sailing lessons and as soon as I approve I get this:

Also, my friend Jen, may come out and stay Thursday night. Let me know if that works with you? it’s not 100% confirmed she will come.

My answer:
Sorry if you are two guests you must pay for two, it’s an insurance thing, I’m sorry so no extra people or I can amend the reservation or you can cancel but I can’t let her in its against TOS

Now she wants to wait to see if she can get Friday off work,

Just want you all to know I practice what I preach.

I sent the amendment to the reservation.

She did not accept ugh!

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Welcome to the club.

For me the extra guests want fine, it was first time air bnb users. They paid in cash (did half my normal extra price but they had own sheets and air beds). Very nice guests so I was too hard on them

Just heard from her:
Hi, let’s keep the reservation just for me. Thanks.

We were talking about 24 bucks lol! I guess she’s not that great of a friend lol

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This is so well said super host, that it really ought to be pinned up to the top of this forum!


I just don’t know where people are coming from in their heads when they think they can just invite extra people into your home and of course only after they’ve confirmed for themselves. I made sure she knew we’d be here and that we would not let her friend in. I’ve now added it to my house rules in the listing. I would be pissed if my own family did this lol. Here’s her lame excuse

No problem. This is my 1st transaction though air bubbles, so I’m not familiar with the insurance process.

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We need an air guests education forum


Ask and you shall receive.

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Unfortunately it doesn’t say don’t ask to bring extra guests after you’ve booked, otherwise a good article

Air bubbles?
Air bubble head?


Sometimes auto fill is right on lol! So now I’m really feeling crappy about my air bubbles guest. I’m regretting accepting the reservation. I’m hoping she’ll turn out ok. She’s a host in Brooklyn and charges 35 a nite extra after one person but she has no reviews as a guest or host.

I would say she is trouble already so if you want to post her profile to the PBGL “early” you can. :smiley:


She’s going on the wall of shame!
She’s there now!

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This guest in quotes cancelled after I would not agree to an extra guest and then a dog.

What’s the biggest issue for you - the addition of the kids, or the sucking up of your time in changing things about?

It’s double the people - I’d almost double the price - double the people means double the flushing, the showering, the laundry, and worse, the energy from you. Also, kids are a lot more bother to a home. Did you actually not want the kids, or did you think it would be ok?

I agree that this situation is totally annoying, but life can also be really annoying if you have kids. Perhaps they had a sitter, and the sitter said “Sure, take a third night away!” so she happily booked the third night, then the sitter backed out, and now they have this reservation but no sitter. Then they got another sitter., it could really be out of her control.

Update… Guests have paid the extra I requested quite happily and are even providing the extra bedding.
Let’s hope all goes ok. That’s Airbnb I suppose, it can’t always be plain sailing!


Airbnb is not staying in your place, fellow humans are; dealing with people is the most interesting, but also exhausting job on Earth.


It will be more plain sailing if you stand your grounds and determine what exactly you need to be a happy host.
Take care of your needs first, communicate them to a guest through house rules and then verbally, insist on your rules firmly but in s nice way and you will have much smoother sailing:)