Ever have a guest booking send their kids but the adult not show up?

The girl is over 18 so was allowed to open her own account. I don’t get to see how she paid, but given my history with our children, that’s a good guess, lol. Fortunately I’m around all the time that month so should be able to keep an eye on things.

Sorry. I have been gone.

I took care of the issue…and then my husband had a stroke.
And I have been in ICU since.

What happened-
The Parents showed up… when I threatened to call the cops.

They booked it. NOT the kids.

They had no idea that it was “illegal” to send 11 minors (how many showed up)
(the 3 that said they were 18… were not) to my home. They had beer-
Also provided by parents. They bought it.
Receipt and all.

These kids parents thought they needed a POST covid life was hard
They wanted to start out Summer with a bang…party weekend…for their kids.

Uh…NOT okay.

In the end…
I told them-
They needed to take the beer out…and install a parent Into the location…or they had to leave.

A parent stayed…
I brought them extra games… my teens love…
Gave them a name of a place to rent kayaks…on my lake…and they had a good time without needing to party…and acted like normal kids.

The parents thanked me…and actually wrote a letter of apology.


Wow, that’s quite the update. So sorry your husband had a stroke, how awful.

It’s hard to understand what these parents were thinking, making a booking like this, complete with booze. In someone else’s home.

I was the “cool” mom, who let my teenage daughters and their friends have some beers, smoke some joints, and have the occasional party at my house. I knew they were going to do those things anyway, and I preferred them doing it where I could keep a watchful eye out and know who they were hanging out with. (I didn’t provide the goodies, they somehow managed to obtain those themselves)

The flip side was that I was the vigilant mom when it came to them wanting to go to a party at their friends’ homes. I was often the only parent who called to check that the parents would indeed be home, and once went and retrieved my 15 year old from a party where I had found out the parents were not only not home, they were out of town.

I’d say you handled this well and had the best possible outcome.


No parents makes sexual assaults more likely, especially for young women who are not used to drinking.

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Thanks for the update. I wish your husband a full recovery and better health to both of you. I guess these parents prove that teens are not the only ones with bad judgement! That said, I probably made some dopey parental moves years ago when I was exhausted, distracted, naïve etc. In a group of cousins you would think that at least one of them had a parent who sounded an alarm about the arrangement.

Oh wow. How awful for you. Prayers for a swift recovery for your husband.

I’m glad the parents showed up and you got a letter of apology. Not sure how you’ll review them, but I’d wait until the last minute and deduct stars. Because I’d want to know that the 5 star guest was an entitled, irresponsible parent.

This. I would rather gather keys at the front door and chaperone the “festivities” so that it doesn’t get out of hand instead of sending either of my girls to a place without parental supervision. It’s how my parents and my freinds’ parents managed things way back in the good old “Mad Men” days and it worked.

I’m surprised as well. Unreal.

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I’m so glad that booking worked out. Sorry to hear about your husband’s stroke. Wishing him a full recovery.


Sorry to hear about your husband.

Last summer we had a mom book for her “family.” Due to COVID our cleaning service wasn’t cleaning without numerous days between stays so I showed up and seven teenage boys were there. (Checking out late…)

I terrified them and told the son to have his mom call me immediately. I made them stand aside while I checked the house for damage- there wasn’t any and told them to leave. They dashed out so fast one forgot his clothes! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Anyway, mom called and I gave her an admonishing, had the boy return for his clothes.

It luckily worked out as the worst thing that happened was that they threw loose garbage directly on the bins.

We were lucky….and we got a nice charging cord. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: