Embarrassing dilemna with "friends"

Oh, I’ve already been tempted by that, Kona … but I think you may have lost me with the Beasties …

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Please let me know if you come to BCN we would love to have- during our off season of course :+1:t3::joy::+1:t3:

We typically ask friends and family in the slow months just to pay the cleaning fee, as we did buy this property to share with our loved ones!

@Malagachica, exceptionally well handled!

@azreala when is slow season in Spain? I plan to visit in September or October 2017, is that a good weather time?

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I’m a Hawaii home magazine features writer. The upscale homeowners I interview often have an upscale guest cottage on property that they say is for visiting family and friends. Certainly they are not in the kind of financial need I am and would probably fly to the moon before dirtying themselves renting it on Airbnb like I do. :slight_smile: The point is, I would come home thinking about how nice it would be to be well off enough to just reserve your guest suite for true family and friends visits…know what I mean? Sometimes I fantasize about that. :wink:

.PS. I have written at least a zillion interesting homeowner stories, so PM me if you would like the link where they are all posted. I’ve written more than 200 features–we have profiled everything from tree houses in the forest to astounding architectural vision houses to multimillion dollar resort homes!

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The weather is FANTASTIC in Spet/Oct here in Barcelona and all the tourist have gone away. My guess is the Costa Del Sol has equally wonderful weather in Sept/Oct @Malagachica? The more northern cities will start to cool down considerably. Slow season is starting around late Sept/Oct for us through March. Every year we have been getting more and more bookings into October, but not nearly as many as the summer months. Let me know when you want to do an exchange :wink:

We bought our flat in Barcelona with the intention of only renting it out every once and in a while, and mainly keeping it for Friends and Family. However, after the first ‘season’ our tune quickly changed, and this quickly became a money making endeavor.

I think its less about the cost of the property but more the mindset of the owners. We know plenty of people who have multi million dollar homes who LOVE to Air there granny suites/back houses/ etc. I’m sure they don’t need the income but the genuinely like doing it, connecting with the guests, and connecting with the Air community.

I would love to read your articles!!

LOL! Awe… a few harmless palmetto bugs are gonna scare you away from all the other great things?

Aloha Malagachica, can you imagine how many friends, family, and internet friends think and plan for me block bookings for a free trip to Hawaii? I’m totally over it. I politely remind them this is my business and sole source of income. Paid reservations are my priority. Has worked perfectly for the users and abusers who took advantage of my previous generosity. Of course I do enjoy true friends and family to visit, but it has never worked out correctly due to our high costs of electricity, water, and my obligations as an airbnb host. Therefore, I tell them to book directly through airbnb. Ends up funny as all get out, they book a cruise, mooch off others, and allows me to maintain my sanity and income.


Lol! I am broke and I’d never think to charge any family or friend to stay in my spare room I offer on airbnb. I’d only be able to put them up if not booked and would likely forego a paying booking as I’m booked 80% of the time but for a week or two no issues. Perhaps you need to be a bit clearer with you friends/family and respectfully assertive and you won’t be resentful anymore. This will make you and them much happier but I think charging is just awkward for all and a little greedy - so no offence intended.

Really? Her husband is recovering from cancer, the open offer was made to her, no strings, what a mean thing to say, the lady is a “pig”??? When my mother was dying from cancer lots of people did kind things like this for her and I’d be horrified to think people were bitching about her being a user on an Internet forum when she simply accepted the kind offer. Perhaps the host should not have made herself feel good by offering in the first place when it seems that it was not genuine? We can all stay “if there’s anything I can do” to people with problems but the integrity is if you actually DO when asked without expecting gratitude or being resentful.

Emily - I’m so sorry about your mom, and I’m sorry I offended you. I could have said ‘greedy’ - would have been a much better word. But I do still stand by the opinion. I wouldn’t even presume to stay at my own sister’s lake house for more than a few days! And I always ask - what days are good for you? What about such-and-such a dates? But then, I’m going to visit her, not just stay at a income-producing home.


You are misunderstanding what happened. The host offered, but not for free. So there was a miscommunication. No need to come here and shame members for their opinions Emily. In the case of this host and her guest, and the situation she described, all’s well that ends well.


Emily, I am quite clear with my children and grandchildren that they have priority over ANY other guests, even if they want to come for a month in high season. Other very close friends and family also we don’t charge, but most of them know the situation and will ask to come out of season or offer to pay. It’s true that it’s uncomfortable to charge family and friends (actually, we have quite a small family and I don’t ever remember charging them!) but there are, after all, degrees of friendship …

In reply to your later post, I think I made it clear earlier that I accepted the blame for inadvertently.misleading this person (whom I’d only actually met twice) into thinking that a two-week stay would be acceptable in this situation. I genuinely would have offered them a short break for no payment and of course I felt sorry for her and her husband as I know well the suffering that cancer causes to both patients and their carers.

I don’t think for one moment that @dcmooney meant any offence by what she said - her posts are always sensitive and sensible and she was offering support and a strong opinion on people taking advantage of others.I understand that you must be particularly sensitive to this after your experience with your mother, but I can assure you that at no point did I “bitch” about this person or refer to her as a user. I merely found myself in a situation which I found uncomfortable and came to this forum to ask advice from people who have had a lot of experience in different hosting situations. I received some great advice and support, and this enabled me to come up with a solution that has been satisfactory to all concerned. If you read my friend’s reply to me you will see that she mentions that they will feel more comfortable making us some payment, and in her situation I would feel the same. We are now all looking forward to their visit and I do feel that, as @konacoconutz says, this is a situation where all’s well that ends well and doesn’t need any more discussion.


If they were your good friends they would never take advantage of you like this. 800Euros is a LOT of money.
Yes you did tell them to come and visit but why 2 weeks?? The most free ride could be is 3 days.
I agree with your husband completely: to stay for free for such a long time is really inappropriate. Especially knowing this how you make your money. Especially knowing you are just acquaintances not friends.
I think to tell them that one week is theirs for free is beyond being generous .


Very well worded. The only thing I would have changed is giving them a time limit to reply in - “we will keep the dates blocked on the calendar for xxx days/weeks to allow you time to decide”.