Does my rental qualify for Vrbo?

Hello party people, wassup. So, usually I’m pretty good at pulling down info that I am seeking via Google, etc. I admit I’m struggling with trying to figure out if our rental meets the criteria to list on Vrbo. Ours is an attached “mother-in-law” apartment with it’s own front and rear doors. We live in the main part of the house. Does that qualify? Thanks in advance.

Thanks M8! (apparently in need more characters in this reply, so…) :upside_down_face:

Hey, I want to join! How about rhyming couplets!!:

“Indeed, I shall endeavor to render thy request in Elizabethan prose:

Hearken, forsooth, to this accord: Vrbo’s standard,
Doth prove intricate, yet seek an “in-law” stand.

With fronts and rears, a dwelling to be thine,
A separate domain within the main’s design.

Sample listings do lend credence to this course,
Yet verily, contact Vrbo, gather their discourse.

Hence, hope this counsel aids thy rental crusade,
Good fortune attend thee on this venture’s raid!“


You’ve asked your question on an Airbnb hosts forum. Why?

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We had plans to sell our place and move out of state, so we got a shorter term license. We can’t do under 30 rentals until Jan. 1st of next year in compliance with our local laws. Business is slow with over 30 day rentals on Airbnb so we’re expanding our options. So basically I’m seeking knowledge regarding renting our space so we can eat and pay bills and take care of our 10 year old son. i figured you good people could help.

The correct answer is yes.

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Bed/bath efficiency attached to my house with separate entrance – no problem listing on VRBO

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Anyone have any insight as to why VRBO doesn’t accept shared-space homeshares? There must be some considered business philosophy for that, I just don’t know what it would be. Seems like they could gain a lot more hosts if they offered that category of rentals.