Dodged a bullet - funny in hindsight, disturbing at the time. GO!


Do you go to a doctor who had some folks in her family that suffered from a illness but doesn’t have a professional degree? :rofl: How about a surgeon or dentist without a professional degree? :rofl:

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Jefferson has PM’d me to ask for this topic to be dropped. I am happy to do so, given my perspectives on MH are out there already.

He could delete his posts on the topic then? That seems the easiest way really.

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Thing is, it’s not his topic and I’ve told him so privately. He knows he can mute the topic so that he doesn’t see it. I respect when someone says they don’t want to talk about something but not when they tell others not to talk about it.

Forums are funny that way.


The ignorance against people with mental health issues on this thread is absolutely appalling. I had to make an account just to respond that some of you should be very ashamed of yourselves.
Thank you to those who spoke up. There is way too much stigma around mental health. Just because you know nothing about the illness or had one bad experience certainly doesn’t mean all or most people suffering from it are bad. 13 years experience working in ER where I see the worst of the worst first hand and you couldn’t be more wrong.


By the way, I had read the ENTIRE thread and I am very well-educated in the mental health field. As most people pointed out here, you are the one that first made a general statement about schizophrenia based on your own personal experience but it does not mean that your experience is the most common experience, and then you became angry and condescending that others did not agree with you.