Do you use a pricing service?

We started experimenting with some third-party pricing services about 6 months ago and we’ve been really happy with the results.

Using these services gave me the courage to raise our prices to between 1.3 - 1.6 times higher than they were last year. And these prices are about 1.5 - 1.8 times higher than Airbnb’s so-called Smart Pricing suggestions. And we’re still getting booked solid.

I was really reluctant to raise prices because all last year we were already a little higher than most people in our neighborhood. But these services kept recommending even higher prices. We first experimented with EverBooked and then BeyondPricing. They both suggested much higher prices. So I finally decided to trust their purported expertise - for a few weeks at least - to see how expert they really were. And it turns out they’re not bad!

What we have found is that we still book up nearly 100%, but it takes longer to do so. Right now, one of our rooms is booked for all but 5 days in August (this month) and the other one - not doing so well - is booked for the first two and a half weeks of August.

Last month, it was the same at the beginning of the month. But before the month ended we had booked all but 2 room nights! One room was fully booked every single night and the other was booked all but two nights. And we had our biggest month revenue-wise ever. We’ve always been booked 95%-99% - but our total revenue for July was 1.4 times higher than our second best month ever (which was the month before and was priced by one of these two services). And twice as high as previous months when I was just guessing at the best price.

I used to panic if we didn’t have all nights booked by about three weeks in advance and I’d go in and drastically lower the prices. But thanks to the information provided by these services about other nearby properties - I could see that within two weeks in advance, almost all the other places near us were booked. Which means those last-minute people who are desperate for a place to stay, only have a few choices left and they end up willing to fork over the higher price simply because they just don’t have many choices at that point. So now I don’t lower the price at all for vacant nights - even if it’s only a few days away. So many times we get really last-minute people who book just a day or two ahead of time - and they pay the higher price.

Third Party Services vs. Airbnb Smart Pricing: The third party services offer several things that Airbnb Smart Pricing doesn’t seem to. For one - they track trends year over year. So they know about how busy September in New York is going to be this year based on its performance over the last few years. Airbnb doesn’t seem to track it this way. They seem to base their demand estimate off of how many reservations have been made so far for the future months. That’s why you always see their “Travel trends can change daily” graph going down for the next few months even if you know those are busier months. Most people don’t book that far in advance so Airbnb seems to always think next month’s demand is going to be terrible and they advise you to lower your prices accordingly.

Both EverBooked and BeyondPricing are suggesting much higher rates in September and October than even July and August. Airbnb is suggesting much lower prices.

Also, EverBooked and BeyondPricing both take into consideration big local special events that are planned well into the future. Airbnb doesn’t seem to do this. Of course you can’t know for sure what Airbnb is taking into consideration because they don’t tell you. But the third-party places do give you a pretty good idea what they’re looking at.

Also, by using these third-party pricing services we’ve learned a lot from them. Just from reading their blogs, you’ll learn a lot. And that in itself has been worth it as well. For instance one of them (I don’t remember which), teaches hosts that if you’re more than 80% booked 30 days in advance, your prices are probably too low. If you’re 95%-100% booked a month in advance, your prices are definitely too low. That was us in the past. We were always 90%-99% booked 30 days in advance. And we thought that was great! But now I see that if we had been a little more patient, and kept the prices where they originally were that we still would have booked over 80% at the higher prices.

You can do this yourself. Assume that you get 100% booked at your current price. Then calculate, increasing your price by 20% but only booking 80% of the nights. Just multiply it out and you’ll see it’ll probably come to more net revenue, even though you’re renting fewer nights. And more money for less work - is fine with me!

Patience is the key. Don’t panic when you see unbooked nights next week or the week after. If you’re in a busy area and your base price is about right, most of them will be filled before all is said and done.

As far as my assessment on which is better, Everbooked or BeyondPricing. I honestly just don’t see that much difference between them. If you give them both the same base price, they’ll generate prices that are within just a few dollars of each other. They both seem to do a good job considering past trends. In other words, they’ll know that next month might be really busy - even though Airbnb is looking at future bookings and thinks next month won’t be busy. And they both seem to do a good job keeping up with local special events that will pack out the hotels.

We ended up using BeyondPricing (so far). Only because at the time I made the choice, BeyondPricing had a scorecard where they rated the health of your bookings, taking into consideration how many nights you have booked in the next 30 and 90 days. If it’s just about right, your score will be in the 90s. If you have too few days booked, your score will go down - and if you have too many days booked your score will go down. Their scorecard makes it really easy to see when you need to make an adjustment in your base price.

However, since we signed up with BP, I saw that Everbooked added the same feature. So really, I think it’s six of one and a half dozen of the other. There may be other services but those are the only two I’ve tried. I’d really recommend taking a look at them and using one of them. It’s made a big difference for us.


Yea I stopped worrying if I’m booked up or not. I’ve been gradually increasing price every few weeks and I’m still getting booked. So must be doing ok.

@JonYork - thank you for the extensive information. I’ve often wondered about those two services and whether they would be worth using. I am usually fully booked and yet we are one of the most expensive places in our area which has always confused me (and pleased me too!) so what you say about pricing makes a lot of sense.

I’ve wondered too about how good these services are regarding local events. We are in a tourist area so we have lots (plus business meetings and conferences off-season) and at the moment, I keep a close eye on them and adjust the prices accordingly but I truly find it hard to believe that third party services know all about all events?

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Wow @JonYork …what a wealth of information you have given us! Thank you so much!
I just booked our room for regular price on Sept 5th weekend. Then I realized it was Labor day weekend. :frowning: A couple of weeks ago there was a Jr. Olympics near our home which filled our two rooms up quickly with kids in that event - I could have raised the price easily had I known about that event. So, I am now doing my homework and you have really helped. Thank you!
I tried Everbooked but they are not in our area. I am in California - Sacramento area…anyone else around me?

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Special Events that drive pricing is nomenclature. Statistically, special events occur when there is a noticeable increase in demand or a noticeable decrease in supply or some combination of both. The pricing engines do not track every event that is happening.

This is my concern exactly. I get email bulletins from just about every organisation in town so I always know what events are due. I don’t see how a third party service could keep track of them :slight_smile:

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I am using bookingSuite from that is showing the demand for hotels rooms in my city for future dates.

Really effective and free

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One word of caution about these services - try to get a sense of whether or not your area has enough hosts to make their analytics helpful before you start forking over money. Everbooked doesn’t cover my area at all. Pricelab, barely. I cancelled both.

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Oh, and another thing to remember about these pricing thingys - if you are renting a weekend home - your own occupancy is mixed in there is counted as a booked night and it may skew what it considers your booking percentage 30 and 60 days out. You might be lured into being told your prices are too low when, indeed they aren’t.


CG, how can your own occupancy be factored in if you didn’t book it through Airbnb?

I’m glad my post has helped so many of you!

On special events - we’re in New York, so there are a lot of well known events - each week almost. We couldn’t begin to keep track of them on our own. Conventions, shows, concerts. BeyondPricing is good about telling us what the events actually are. Everbooked, at least when we tried them would say something like “+15 Special Event”. But we had no idea what the event was. I don’t know if they’ve changed this since we tried them. They may have because they’ve made a lot of changes since then.

BeyondPricing for instance, shows us for September 6th, “+$6 - Event: US Tennis Open Championships”. Well, that’s really helpful to know because if someone is coming here for that - they’re probably not going to stay with us as we’re on the opposite side of Manhattan from where the Open is. But, on the other hand, it may affect us even if people don’t stay here for that. Because the places closer to the event will probably get booked (decreasing supply), hotels will be more booked - further decreasing supply and we’ll end up with just regular tourists to New York who couldn’t find anywhere else affordable to stay. And I’d be really curious if they’re adding more than $6 to people in Queens who are closer to the Open.

But BP also has the annoying, “$2 A local event is causing demand to rise.” And we have no idea what that is all about. The other thing I wonder about when it comes to special events is that many of these events are things that happen annually. And I have a feeling NYC hotels have long been enough to accommodate all the visitors. It’s a special event in the fact that it will bring in a lot of people. But it’s not special in the fact that this is not abnormal. It’s normal in that the US Open is here every year. Anyway, we’re not booked for those days yet - so I’ll have to wait and see if we get booked at these higher prices.

I’m sure they’re nowhere near perfect on special events, but they’re a lot closer to it than we would be on our own!

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These services are looking at your calendar - not just Airbnb bookings. At least Beyond Pricing is. I mark my days (and those of VRBO guests) on my cottage’s Google calendar and that is synced with my Airbnb calendar. I can see that it is including those in my “occupancy rate.” Just something to be aware of.

Does google calendar sync both ways with Airbnb? I thought it was just a one-way sync from Airbnb to Google Calendar.

I am delighted! I just signed up to PriceLabs, a pricing service that actually works here (New Zealand). Within an hour or so, it’s showing where the demand spikes are in the upcoming months - far better than AirBnb smart pricing, which was trying to get me to drop my prices in September/October, right when it starts heating up!
I had tried to use Everbooked and Beyond Pricing, but they don’t work here. So please to have found a solution! :smiley:


I use most of the fringe tools mentioned to check market demand and adjust my pricing. Recently, started using RoomDots for my New York listing and it has increased my performance. In the past I’ve tried BeyondPricing and Everbooked for the same listing and it also worked. My NY listing has been pricing via RoomDots for about a month now and I have seen a steady increase in my pricing while capturing more booking requests !

It gets really confusing when airbnb’s price tip soars for certain days but BP’s price doesn’t. I’ve actually written to BP in the past and let them know that airbnb was jacking up the price. It’s often this way in the DC area - airbnb sees the trend differently.

The score card really helped me relax when not fully booked for the next few months - it has helped me keep my price even though I have openings- and I do book them.

What I don’t like is not knowing when they are dropping my prices. They drop them a lot for last minute bookings but I get a lot of last-minute bookings. I don’t want to increase my minimum price, but I don’t want them knocking a chunk off my price.

So bottom line - it still takes careful attention.

They don’t always know about specific events, they just see that demand is rising.

When the African American History museum was opening there was a lot of buzz about how crazy in was going to be - but BP didn’t raise my prices or have any note of the special event. So while I may have raised my price for the event, it hadn’t registered with BP as far as demand goes.


I tried BP and had the same prooblems and decided to stop because I wasn’t happy with their system.

Mainly what I found was that they would penalize me for 1 or 2 day availabilities in a week when in fact, I get a lot of one-night or 2-night bookings, so I had to go in and change the price manually to remove the penalty for the short availability. The other thing I found is that anything 30+ days away had the same price, namely my minimum price, even for the Christmas Holidays!

I decided to give a try to Wheelhouse and I am quite pleased so far: they give a lot of info about the reasoning behind the pricing, for any day you choose, and it is free!!! An added bonus: customer service is really quick to reply, allowing for time zone differences.

you have to be mindful of new rooms popping up and lowering their prices because they are new. Private room prices use to average 60 a yr ago, now the only ones who have business are the rooms priced 40. Entire places have not gone down much as there are fewer of those available in my area;even if prices dropped for entire place I would not drop mine.A lot of the new people with entire house lictings start out cheap and then as soon as they have a couple reviews they raise them and start also charging the cleaning fee.

I like pricelabs.

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