Do you use a digital guidebook?

Hey all,

I know that Airbnb has a guidebook feature and there is also Canva, but I still find these a bit inconvenient. So, with my friend, we’re thinking of developing a mobile digital guidebook which will be a stand-alone solution and not part of any platform or PMS. Would love to have your opinion on this idea. Would you find something like this useful?

And in general, do you find guidebooks useful?[poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=2 public=true chartType=bar]

  • I use Airbnb guidebook and it works for me.
  • I use Canva and/or physical guidebooks.
  • I use a guidebook from popular PM systems.
  • I don’t use guidebooks.

I use a physical guide book, I leave it next to their welcome basket so they can’t miss it.

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Like Ritz3, I use a physical book placed where they can’t miss it. More hassle to update an e-book than a paper one…


Announcement that ‘para’ is creating some form of virtual guidebook for sale to us in 3…2…

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Hi Rolf, you’re right we first thought we had a ready product but now we don’t want to sell it. We doubt that a digital guidebook is a solution in demand at all. You might have noticed that I didn’t mention any brand name or link. I really want to know if hosts need a digital guidebook.

Thank you, Ritz3. I always thought it would be more convenient for guests to have instructions and outside recommendations on their mobile phones.

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Thank you, KenH. I’d never think that physical books are easier to update. Do you do it yourself?

My guests, even the ones over 60, use Google, Yelp, and maps features to find what they’re looking for. Often they uncover places I haven’t checked out in my small area.

I’ve created my own digital guidebook, used the ABB feature to create a guide, and even left out paper guides from the Chamber of Commerce and tourist organizations.

They use their phones or tablets or laptops and sometimes double check with me.

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Cell phones are not neccessarily always available. They could be out of charge, broken, or get lost. The electricity could go out, rendering the Wifi connection non-functional. One of my guests accidentally left her phone in her friend’s car who drove her to the airport. She would have been hooped if she hadn’t printed out the map I sent her.
Some of my guests haven’t been able to get their out-of-country phone to work here.
Some listings are remote and there is no Wifi or cell service.

It doesn’t take substantially more time to update a digital page than a paper one. Not much difference in editing an online guidebook or editing it on the host’s computer, printing it out and replacing it in the physical guidebook.

Also, there is no reason why it has to be exclusively one or the other. A host can have a digital guidebook and also a physical one in the unit. Personally, I’d rather read through a guidebook and instructions while sitting at the table drinking a coffee, than stare at my phone screen.

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@muddy thank you a lot

We leave both a hard copy and send a link to the .pdf copy on google drive. Some guests find it useful (things to do, restaurants, how to light the woodstove or adjust the heat pump, hot-tub etc.) Other guests don’t look at it.

This is my first post here - I use a folder with printed details of relevant local information and a guidebook for the country where I am located.

Also, and sorry to hijack the thread, but I cannot for the life of me find a way to post a new topic, am I not allowed to do this as a new user?

Correct- new users have to engage in some activity here, commenting on existing threads, before being able to start a new topic. (I’m not a mod here, so don’t know how much activity is required)
It’s a feature to cut down on spammers.

Once you get “clearance”, you’ll see a “new topic” button up on the right hand side of the screen under the Airhosts heading.

We created a Linktree as our guidebook. (Website and app - Free). It has everything required for check-in/out and also links to restaurants, activities, “how-to”s at the unit (such as “how to work the Murphy Bed”, “how to use the door code and change your code to something shorter and easier to remember”).
It’s quite handy and we’re alway adding to it.

If anyone is interested in seeing our Linktree, let me know and I send it to you in a message.

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Hi, I’d love to have a loot at it.

I use a printed (hardback) book that is created online.

This is not to give guests information - most guests have researched the area online before they arrive.

The guidebook is a tool to increase repeat bookings.

On the back cover of the book, we suggest that guests take the copy with them as a souvenir of their stay. About half of our guests do so.

This often leads to repeat business as the guest has a constant reminder of their stay here in their own home, in the bookcase or on a shelf.

I update it every six months or so (yes easier than online updating) and if the book has outdated info when the guests arrive, I point out during the house tour that (example) 'the Italian restaurant in the guidebook is now closed but in its place there’s a great Mexican place…"

This draws the guests’ attention to the book.


Aloha! Just sharing a recommendation. I use TouchStay and love it! Very easy to use and my guests have commented on how informative it is.