Do you update houses photos?Advantages of doing so

If I was a guest I would find much annoying booking a flat different from the one I saw in photos.
Some time ago I have find a professional photographer that wanted to make shots and then “edit” them saying that my listing would look more attractive, guess what… I refused , I would have post photos that don’t show exactly how my house is and I would just feel dishonest.
I try to keep listing updated with new photos so that guests know exactly what they book (I think it is necessary for all listings that contain terraces with much plants,flowers that grow/change much every season).

Still, I keep in my listing some old(max 1 year old) photos that I love and try to keep them inside my listing among new photos that updated the old ones.
Adding decorations,things in the kitchen etc need new photos (and same in case things are removed from listing).
I would be disappointed if something isn’t like the photos (or description) and maybe I would mention it in a review.
Keeping listing updated brings more bookings too , make notes saying that photos of plants and flowers,decorations are updated.
A photo that represents a season(snow for example?) or event can go long way too and shows guests that you care keeping listing updated and active.

Too true. Don’t, however, keep more than 25 or 30 photos in the listing gallery; it just looks too cluttered.

"Tweaking your listing by adding/changing photos and wording once a month is a good way to stay at the top of the “active listing” stack.

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The problem with updating your listing photos is that Airbnb will only send their professional photographer once. If you want photos that are marked “Verified” you must leave them in your listing. I agree that the photos should look like the listing, but I’ve seen ridiculous reviews where guests complain that there is a different comforter than in the photos or that an arbor that was in the photos has been removed. I don’t think we need to take new photos every time we rearrange the furniture or buy new decorations. I also don’t agree that we should have to post new photos of the outside area for each season.

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My place looks nothing like the VERIFIED photos Air took seven years ago. I have only one of the bathroom and one of the patio looking up. Everything else is changed so I removed them. I don’t think guests pay attention to whether a photo is quote verified, but I can see the advantage of having it.

Also you only get the pro photographer once.

Unfortunately in my city air photographers are unavailable so I do them by myself. I dont see any advantage to have “verified” photos once you have some good reviews and photos.Those photos shouldn’t stop you from refreshing your listings appearance.
I don’t say to change them every season ofc but an extra photo to represent something rare (like snow in my city) can help much.
I know listings that had 30% to 50% more bookings because of that.

I think hosts should be given the option to pay an Airbnb photographer for second, third, etc. shooting, and photos can still be marked as verified.

The watermarks are so small I don’t think they are even noticeable.