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In your experience, do you find one-night guests to be better, worse, or the same in terms of courtesy, following house rules, etc.?
In my (newbie) experience, they are the guest who haven’t felt “worth it,” even with the cleaning fee. These are the guests who don’t follow house rules, clean out supplies, dock my rating because they didn’t read the check-in instructions, don’t leave a review, or block off one night of a weekend and cancel.
I’ve only been hosting for a few months, so I’m not ready to limit my guests to 2+ night stays (one-nighters do help fill-in the calendar in between other guests), but I wish AirBnB had a calendar setting to disallow one night stays being booked far out. Then, I could fill my calendar far out with 2+ night stays, and fill in any gaps with one-night stays as it gets closer to a given date.
Then again, I have a friend nearby who hosts a room in her house (like I do) who says her one-night guests are some of her best.
What is your take? I know some of you cater more towards airport layovers and the like, so you probably are geared more towards one-night stays.
The one night folks have been a lot of what I do as a stop over either going to the keys or coming back. I also have had mostly males, one nighter coming in for work, or interviews near by. So far they haven’t been bad at all and my place is left so clean that it makes for really great turn around time. Yes a lot more work but I rather have the calendar full.
@Xena , you can add different settings for minimum stays ! Go to your calendar, then Availability Settings, then Minimum Stay, then Add another requirement.
For me the easiest way to do that would be to set a 2-nights minimum as a general rule, then to add a rule “1 might minimum from 02.26 to 05.26” and update the rule daily or weekly when you update your calendar
We get a lot of one night folks who have canceled or delayed flights due to be near to an airport. They have been some of best and most appreciative guests.
I like one night guests. They arrive after 3pm and leave by 10am so they are here for about 19 hours… its quick and easy. but i also might not book them too far in advance as they could block whole weeks in my calender.
I too considered (still considering it, tbh!) setting a 2 night minimum rule … I let out multiple rooms so you can imagine the strain on my poor old washing machine :-(.
The thing is, as others have mentioned - many of my 1 nighters have been absolutely brilliant! Sure, it’s a bit of extra work - but think about it - these folk are almost guaranteed to be less demanding and more appreciative - so there is that to consider ;-)! These are also the guests I see the most repeat custom (people in town to catch a football match, on business, etc …).