Display glitch showing this morning

Heads up friends. The kids are playing at Airbnb again. If you look at your stats you might notice you’re missing several hundred reviews. Lol

If you tap on the “_” they will appear, but will not stay.

Oh thank you for pointing that out! I have the same issue and was getting anxious because I recently got a 3 star review. When I go to “listing issues” it says “attention required.” I already responded to the review and I was fretting about what other “attention “ I need to give it! Glad (but not glad) to hear it is a system issue!

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I don’t think the issue you are referring to is the same as what Dozerpug is referring to.

I have two issues and I thought they were connected. My stats are showing the same as Dozerpug shows above. I have no reviews and no rating. I also have an “issue that needs attention” because I received a 3 star review. I thought maybe my listing had been frozen or something because of the 3 star issue. But from Dozerpug’s post, I am taking it that others also have the issue of no reviews or rating.

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Mine initially showed “an issue” as well but when I clicked it to see what the issue was it cleared that link. The reviews and rating are not back yet, however, they do show if I go to travel mode so guests are seeing them. I hope! For what it’s worth, I just did an update last night so I don’t know if this is connected. I have not gone with early access yet, holding off on that as long as I can.

Good to know. That’s similar to those pesky prodding messages to either pre-approve or decline an inquiry when you’ve already responded to the inquirer. If clicking on the message doesn’t make it disappear from your dashboard, clearing your cache and cookies will.