Direct Marketing Options

Hello, I realize there are many postings regarding direct marketing websites, but I haven’t found what I’m really wanted to understand. Do any of you use your own website to direct market, not for SEO purposes but for those you truly direct market to? If so, what site do you use? Thanks for the help.

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See here:

(Direct Booking Sites: The Key to Making More Money)


Many people think you start with a website but you need to start with your market research. Before you set up any direct marketing channels you need to carry out your market research to understand who your target customers are and what online and other channels they use to choose a holiday/visit.

Once you have this information then you can decide on which social media channels and type of website you need to invest in.

You also need to develop a content marketing plan so you know what sort of videos, photos and written content you will have on these channels to appeal to your target market.

Once you have this in place you can invest in advertising, marketing and promotions to drive traffic to these channels.

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So I’m new to this whole Airbnb and thinking about utilizing a virtual environment where i can have potential vacationers actually walk the house themselves, as an Avatar, and experience every nook and cranny, every space and volume, both inside and out. My virtual model is an exact digital twin of the real house, with all the furnishings and accessories, plus the same landscaping outside. And a cool thing is, this option allows as many individuals that want to visit my house at the same. So the whole family can visit my virtual model at the same time. My question to the group… do you think this is even is a valuable source for securing families to stay at my house?

You can’t post links to videos or virtual tours on Airbnb.

And why would you want to show your house to random strangers who haven’t paid to stay? Sounds like a great way for thieves to scope out your place and decide exactly what you have that’s worth stealing.

No, wasn’t planning on posting a video or anything virtual. When potential clients contact to get verification and establish a date, i can offer them an opportunity to do a virtual tour through another platform. Wow… your worried about theives… first they would need to go through me, and second, then you should be concerned about anyone coming to your place to stay.

You aren’t being clear. What do you mean by “potential clients”, “to get verification and establish a date?”

Airbnb does not allow hosts to direct guests who have not paid and have a confirmed booking to links to another platform (in your case to see a virtual tour). You can’t exchange contact info or direct guests to any other platform through Airbnb until a booking is confirmed.

And no, I am not concerned about anyone coming to my place to stay. I have already communicated with them and determined that they are a guest I feel comfortable accepting, they have already paid, and I have a homeshare listing- guests can’t get away with bad behavior.

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Yes, I did consider that he might be trying to market here, but thought I’d give him the benefit of the doubt, at the same time making it clear that if he should be trying to market his virtual tour, he understands that hosts couldn’t do that on Airbnb.