Dinged for the cat again!

Cheers to Wooties! :crying_cat_face:

That is SO cute :slight_smile: Both the cat and the review. Is that your place/review @torohost? Or just something you found?

I believe it’s an indication of a cat trusting you - when a cat closes it’s eyes to you, they’re saying ‘I show that I trust you not to attack me’. But yeah, cat kisses is better!

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It’s from Re…ddit. ^^…

There is a product called SSSCat. It is motion and heat activated and sprays out air when activated. The air sound freaks cats out. Perhaps they think it is a snake. My “original” cats won’t get on the kitchen counters but the ones I added later will as I have not been disciplined enough to use the device. BTW, it will scare you, too if you trigger it.
When I was disciplined enough to use it consistently, it was very effective and, after a few weeks, I could put it away and the cats would no longer get on whatever was off limits. There are videos on YouTube showing how cats react and the big pet companies online and the store that begins with an “A” stocks them as well.
Might be worth a shot.

I am more interested in scaring away guests who don’t like the cat, or guests who want to spend a long time in my kitchen. If it would hiss at them I would be interested.