Declining guests

Whoops, So I started 2 years after ‘Air’ was first launched -Aug 2008 in our Australian winter 2010 and due to 5 star ratings i gained my SuperHost status which i currently hold. Many of the guest have remained our FB friends. Not sure why you had to 'FYI" my comments. I was merely trying to indicate that i’ve had many guests pass through our home of all ages and nationalities. From this experience it has brought about me wanting to ‘decline’ guests on gut feelings as per Rondena question as I am not willing to host everyone.

Because many more people read here than comment or like. In other words people are lurking. When someone states something that is factually incorrect, that’s confusing to people. Also you’re undermining yourself. One might feel you have misrepresented yourself on purpose and thereby dismiss the rest of your post.

It sounds like you discriminate based on age and nationality; perhaps that’s just another misunderstanding.

I’ve also had the Superhost designation since the program started. I’ve hosted since 2014. I have 618 reviews, have hosted over 1000 guests on 800+ bookings and have only cancelled a handful of instant bookings after they were made. I’ve never declined or cancelled anyone based on a “gut feeling.” I’ve only refused to host someone if I was unable to accommodate their request, they have problematic prior reviews or in one case I’d already hosted someone 3x and decided they weren’t a good fit for me any longer.

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Yes indeedy. Verified

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Not all guests take care of our property. Maybe u have been lucky so far, but a lot of hosts have dealt with issues as I have. Most are good- great guests.

Same here. Reading others experiences and advice has been helpful in various situations and questions

Thank you. Yes, the questioning from Air BnB is my concern actually. If during my communication or in the statements by the guest I see a red flag and they don’t have reviews to help me, then I just don’t want to be hassled or moved down in rankings by ABB. I rarely decline anyone. I just don’t want to have a problem if I feel like it’s necessary.

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