Declining guests

“If someone looks like someone you don’t want in your house” is discrimination. Period. No one is “holier than thou” on this forum; speaking for myself, I dislike bigots.

She’s the host from the discrimination post yesterday.

She thinks that because she got slammed for her bigotry on the other post that we accept sketchy guests. Those guests are sketchy based on their profile picture and names. ahem.

Exactly. I don’t care about color, creed, gender, non-binary, whatever. Agree to the house rules, pay your money, and play nice with the cat.

Hear, hear!


Apparently because they are male, therefore one would “sacrifice their safety”, if they were accepted as guests. And we only accept them in order to virtue signal our political correctness. Ahem, indeed.


I declined a guest based on his profile picture, he looked like he was 16 yrs of age and it was May. Teens here go to the Jersey Shore for their senior trip and I have heard horror stories of houses being trashed by teens. I can’t believe parents allow this. I was honest with him and he contacted Airbnb. Turned out, according to Airbnb, that he had just turned 18. Now I just say “sorry, days not available.”

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Don’t feed the trolls.


A couple years ago, I had an unhappy guest (a/c died-you know I planned that :pleading_face:). She used texting to my phone. Airbnb accepted screen shots of the texts as we sorted things out


Moderators: Is there any way I can change my Name from @HH_AZ to @HolierThanThou ?


Ditto for Myrtle Beach. If I get that senior trip vibe, I try to get them to self weed out.

Sample message:

Thank you for considering my condo. This is a quiet, mostly retiree neighborhood.

We have neighborhood quiet hours 9pm to 7am (it’s 11-7; yes I lie) so you will be assured of a restful night.

If there is a disturbance, let me know. Also we have several full time residents who will not hesitate to call the police if someone gets rowdy.

The pool & hot tub are open 9am-10pm. Beach is one mile east. This gated community is perfect for a relaxing vacation.

……they either cancel or tell me it sounds perfect.


I am (to a point…) :nerd_face:

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I’ll take HolierThanThou#2. Anybody want to call dibs on #3?


I’ve blocked my calendar before for Semana Santa week when 10,000 people decend on this little town for partytime. The last time, I was just about to block it when I got a request from a nice middle-aged guy from Boulder coming down to check things out with the idea of perhaps relocating here, so that was fortunate.

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If I went by my “gut feeling” everytime I accepted a booking, I’d never have any guests. I signed up to be a STR host. I do the job a gave myself.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. It’s good to see what the others think on a topic and then make your own decision on the subject.
However, I have received some great tips on this site. Some I’ve requested, others I’ve come across while reading through the queries.

You’re right though, ‘it’s your place, you choose how to run it’, though I’m not advocating racism etc.


No-one here has indicated we forgo our safety in order to be politically correct.

Why make things up ? it just makes you look rather silly and ignorant.

What we have said is that unlike you, we don’t discriminate against guests based on what they look like or their names… after all that’s what racism and bigotry is , when vetting guests however you try and dress it up.


What the hell is “virtue signalling,” and – for that matter – is “virtue” now considered a bad thing in America?


Virtue-signalling is a term meant to indicate that the person or business is engaging in PR or theatre to prove how “woke” they are.

Anti-maskers and Covi-deniers are now even using that term to refer to those who mask in public places. Like we’re just doing it to act superior, put on a show that we are responsible members of society and make them look bad- nothing to do with not wanting to spread or contract Covid, because in their minds, it’s not necessary.


Oh! Like wearing a red Trump cap. Is that it?


A friend of mine calls those caps IQ cutters.


Hi I have been a super host for over 12 years with Air. The landscape has changed over those years and i have to say that i use my ‘gut feeling’ ALL the time. Have things in your description that helps with making an honest rejection of a guest. Also, when it comes to give a reason to “air”… just do " …" dots in that section for air to read… I am a firm believer that WE are the Hosts and Air can not make us have guests in our private spaces or places if we dont want to host them. From the way some people ask to stay at our apartment in our house, you can smell the ‘problem ones’… from a mile away. We ARE not a hotel for under 25 years olds and thats our right… this age bracket can be disrespectful… so they have ruined it for the rest as far as i am concerned.
All you can go is go to other reviews… and if they have none, then sorry this goes against them being able to stay at your home if you feel uneasy.

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I have never declined (not yet.) When I feel suspicious, I will send them carefully worded reminders of policies and the security in place. I also present to them, in person, my house manual with the policies at check-in. I’ve had suspicions about groups that ended up fantastic, and I’ve been disappointed by groups I felt initially at ease about, so, I just accept them and do my best to keep them honest and call them out when they’re not. I’ve hosted MANY different ethnicities, and for sure the less desirable guest experiences have NOT been ethnic based but douche based.
Having said all that…YOUR property, YOUR decision! Discomfort is legitimate.


FYI to any reading, the Superhost program started in 2016. So this is use of the word super, (small caps) as an adjective, not in reference to the Superhost program.