Curious what folks think - I have guests that are staying for a week, they left for a couple of days and then returned

Thanks all for your comments.

I have guests that are staying for a week, they left for a couple of days (but fully paid for) and then returned.

My airbnb is a suite above my home. It’s disclosed that I live below so I would notice if guests don’t come home and honestly, I do worry if they don’t come home for the night. While I realize it’s not really my business, I think it would be considerate for them to have let me know they would be gone for a couple of days.

I would park my car in a more obvious spot and lock up the front entrance too. I’m trying to decide if I should leave a private note to them in the review to let them know it would have been courteous to let me know. I have no intentions of docking them for not telling me but this is not a hotel. (I many ways it was a treat - they are some of the noisiest guests I’ve had in a while :wink:

What do you think? Should they have said something to me?

Let it go! They’re adults and should come and go as they please without having to notify host.



Your problem should not be the guest’s problem. If you shared space, yes.


You are their Host, NOT their Mommy. I’d give you a bad review if you do/say anything…


I homeshare and have worried about a guest when she didn’t come back at all during the night, but that was a solo female traveler and because it’s a 20 minute walk back from town, half of it on a sparsely populated rural road. I wouldn’t worry at all if it was a couple.

It’s only happened once, and I just text msged the guest the next day when I realized she never came home, “You okay?” She responded right away, saying yes, and when she did come back, I apologized for my “mom brain”, as she was an adult, but she said no, she appreciated it, that she should have let me know when she decided to stay at her friend’s that night.

But your rental is self-contained, so it’s different- they aren’t your temporary roommates.

I definitely wouldn’t say anything to these folks, but if you’d like guests to let you know in the future, for practical reasons (moving your car, locking up the front entrance, although I don’t understand what you mean by that, because even if the guests let you know they were leaving for a night or two, are they also supposed to let you know when they are heading back?- What if they spontaneously decide to come back at 3 am?), then you could mention it in the house manual.

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My last guest that stayed 32 days was only at the property about half that time. Its his choice to make alternate plans. I look at it being less clean up to do and still getting paid for his entire trip


As long as the guest has paid for the accommodation, I believe that what they do with it is up to them as long as it’s clean and quiet.

Although most of my guests stay for 3 - 4 days, I’ve come across the situation of guests leaving for a few days on several occasions and no, I don’t believe that there was any need at all to let me know.

If I was the guest and the host mentioned to me that I should have mentioned a few days away, I’d be insulted.


Thank you all. No need to comment anymore.

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