Credit where credit is due RE host interface

I have never hesitated to excoriate Airbnb whewn they made useless – or worse than useless – changes to the host interface, so it’s only fair to tip my hat when they surprise me and get something right.

I work on Windows full-sized screen. (Don’t even own a smart phone – I let my wife bear that burden for the two if us. It has been a long while since I needed to preview our two listings, and when I did so today I was pleased to discover that I can preview windows browser version of the listing, but I can also – within Windows – preview exactly a replica of the smartphone app interface to scale.

Is this feature new, or have I just been clueless in the past? Either case… very helpful.

And where did you find that feature? While I do use a cell phone, I have never used the Airbnb app- I only access my account on my laptop. I’ve never seen anything where I can call up a screen showing me how my listing appears on the phone app.

When I’m in “Edit listing” mode, main page, (in Firefox/Windows) down near he bottom is a stylized eye icon and THE WORD “view” – WHICH TAKES YOU TO A PREVIEW of your listing inside a frame. When you first click on the VIEW link, at the top of the page are two small-ish icons: a computer screen and a handheld device. Click to choose the format ofmyour preview.

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Thanks, Spark. 20202020

Also – I believe I clicked a couple of weeks ago to use some beta-testing features… so maybe thAT’S IT. iF YOU CAN’T FIND, i’LL send a screen grab

If it matters to you a lot how the Airbnb website is being displayed on various devices you can also use the “Developer Tools” function of any major web browser (Chrome, Firefox etc.). There, you have the option to simulate any screen of any device to verify how the website is being presented on said device.

It’s also possible that they update the website to be responsive so that when you make the web browser window smaller it converts naturally to more of the phone view. It’s also possible that this feature has been there for a while but you never reduced your screen size on your monitor.


This a a chicice – one icon takes you to the hand-held view, the other kne to a web screen view.

@Spark I found that feature easily, but my listing doesn’t look any different on the phone view than it does in the browser.

The DIFFERENCE is that NOW you can be confident that this is the case – that the listing transposed between the two platforms without a hitch.

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It is not new. Has been there for many years. Yes, can be very helpful.