Covid Requirements

…and this is why I prefer guests who follow the science and do not have ‘different opinions’ - it is too dangerous to be around people who make decisions about their health that affects others based on political ideology, conspiracy theories, and sometimes just stubborn denial.

The best part of asking for Covid status proof is when a denier waits 12 hours, then angrily denounces my house rule as being 'discriminatory - and of course fails to produce the item that my house rules as for as a requirement.


are you kidding me now?
that’s like saying anti biotics are animal medicines. Do you know the history of ivermectin?
and if you don’t in 2023, why don’t you? it was in the news. or did your news only tell you that in order to NOT be a Magaidiot you had to say it was horse dewormer?

the politics of the USA really messed with the covid response. I remember when many (D) politicians said they wouldn’t take the vaccine, but somehow when Biden got elected they all changed their tune.

Well, the only time I have heard of this over the counter med being used for a virus is thru MAGA media. In the real world, Amazon sells this as a cream like this:

Honestly I thought people like you were a figment of right wing humour. you actually had a chance to google the history of this med, and instead you posted that.
are you actually triple-downing on this? Even though I told you to stop the maga stuff, cos I’m not American. you seriously need to take stock of how deeply your politics affects you, and you need to really get rid of your TDS. I believe you are smart enough to handle the truth, but take it in small doses. Or not, go straight to Walkaway (Brandon straka’s movement) and watch those vids.

I already told you that India and Japan dispensed ivermectin, why persist with the American horse paste story, do you not know that the whole world uses it? . the discoverers of ivermectin won a noble prize (spoiler: it’s Japanese led), and the award wasn’t from some American equestrian society… much of the stuff you google now about it bends over backwards to tell you what it ‘can’t do’ which also seems anti-science (ie, protecting the EUA of the jab), this is clear to me, but perhaps not to you.

I also follow a channel called GB News and one of the presenters there, a Scotsman, Neil something explained this whole scenario perfectly to my brain. I should have saved his monologue. but here’s the essence of it: do you remember those “magic” puzzles that were popular in the 90s, where there was crazy image and you had to unfocus your eyes and step away before the image became clear. Once you worked out how to “see” then you could do it for all the puzzles. That’s very much like what’s happened to our whole world in the past decade (or maybe longer, ouch). Some of us can see and others cannot.

Another chap I like Maajid Nawaz has a philosophy I shall shorten: if you can’t fathom what we are fighting, please step aside so we may fight on your behalf.

I find it’s so very clear from the first sentence of an article whether the “journalist” has a left or right wing bias (granted, the media is 70% left wing anyway), but even the emotional words they use in the headlines are clues as to how you are supposed to “feel” (feelings being the core reaction they want, not rational thinking). Once you can see the agenda, it’s clear. I suspect you are hugely unaware of the WEF and all those discussions, and this is sad to me because you are an awake person, but you have the blue goggles on. I am not asking you to put on red goggles my friend. I am saying: NO GOGGLES.

We aren’t going to platform covid misinformation here and while you are doing a bang up job of walking the line by using words like “dispensed ivermectin,” the context makes it clear you think it’s a harmless treatment for covid that has been sucessfully used in Japan and India.

This is another thread that’s gone awry from both ends of the spectrum and nothing good is going to result from continuing.