Cornwall hugs Grenfell

What a truly lovely concept - the people of Cornwall are offering free holidays, meals out and activities to the firefighters and residents affected by the horrific Grenfell Tower fire in London last month.


That is wonderful. Thank you for the reminder that kindness and compassion exist.


I agree I was so touched by this. They are even co-ordinating with Great Western the train line that goes down to the South West to help ensure people can travel down for free so they can actually get there.

And you have lovely hosts in London who have opened up their homes for free to firefighters, volunteer workers and affected residents

Shame on the local council who have reacted appallingly. Still so many families living out of hotel rooms on 30 pounds a day.

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That is amazing and just amazing to see.

I went past the area the other week, and saw the tower, and it made me a little emotional. It’s absolutely horrifying to see and imagine what people must have went through.

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Oh all the horrific things that have happened in London recently this has affected me the most. Not because the terrorist attacks weren’t horrific but because of the appalling ways the authorities dealt with it then and now. So many are still without a proper home or being rehoused 100’s of miles away from the vital local support networks that could be helping them.

The needless loss of life is incomprehensible. @Kirsty_Jane I don’t think I could go past at the moment. I am devastated.

As a Londoner I am so ashamed that one of the richest boroughs in the country acted and continue to act with so little compassion, understanding and a lack of action. At the same time the way our community of all religions and none came together with donations, volunteering to help out in any way possible, offering shelter and love - have made me so proud to live in the UK.


@Helsi, the horror of Grenfell is felt everywhere across the uk I think, but obviously to Londoners it’s most acute. The fact that the residents had been begging for someone to listen to their concerns over fire safety for so long is a heinous shame. If I hear one more politician say “lessons must be learned”… I sincerely hope it’s a watershed moment in British politics where the stark reality of just how cheap a poor person’s life is in this country is laid bare. I cannot stop thinking of the firefighter looking up at children at the window of their burning flat expecting him to save them and he knew there was no way he could get to them. I’m glad that the emergency services are included in this effort from Cornwall. Particularly because dear old Boris cut the amount of trauma counsellors for firefighters from 14 to 2. Yeah, just two people now to help them deal with this shit.
Not sorry to get political. Enough is enough.


Thank you @Magwitch:broken_heart: