[Completed] Airbnb host survey for the COVID-19 response

Thank you for many opinions and advice. More than two native speakers reviewed the survey questions and changed the unclear expressions. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you very much for your encouragement!

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I have to get my first $5 first. I do dislike having to do a followup email.

One reason why I always take a look as these surveys is I want to see if it looks legit, if there are going to be malicious links, etc. I see it as part of my “job” as a moderator. I try to fit it in when not insulting new posters.

@Hwirim Not interested in an Amazon gift card. I’m disgusted with the unsafe conditions they expected their employees to work in re the pandemic. The VP quit in protest over Amazon firing the whistleblowers. I wouldn’t support them in any way.

You can take the survey without accepting the gift card. It was the last thing on the survey and it was optional. I chose not to take the gift card. I’ll leave for people who need $5 to complete a 3 minute survey :wink:

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@Hwirim please send Helsi’s gift card to me…along with mine.


Worse. I’m suggesting that nobody reading the English version actually understands the questions as they were intended to be understood in the original language.

My wife has been a professional translator for 23 years, so I get to hear about this stuff all the time.

Did you even do the survey? There weren’t any questions that weren’t completely clear. Maybe a few questionable grammar choices but the context of the questions was fine. If you couldn’t understand the questions, you might want to consider that you may have your own deficits with language. Besides, the way that questionnaires work, it won’t matter if one or two questions confuse you - this kind of issue is built in to a survey.

This is an international forum so it seems kind of silly to be discriminatory of people who aren’t speaking english as their first language. Besides, there are plenty of folks on here who are from english speaking backgrounds who don’t write english as clearly as it is written on this survey. Is it an international forum for airbnb hosts or is it an AP english test? :wink:

It’s an international forum for critics to criticize the critiques of the criticizers. Also a place to debate washing everything, throw pillows, white linens, large or single use bottles, waste vs efficiency and how many motes of dust in the eye vs logs before one becomes unable to see. (okay, just kidding about the last one)


I understand what some here mean about leading questions. The very first sentence of the intro, containing “opportunity for you to describe the crisis over your Airbnb hosting due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” is based on the assumption that all hosts consider the inability to host during a pandemic, as a “crisis”. Speaking for myself, the pandemic is the crisis, not my resulting inability to host right now.
As far as the translation is concerned, I do think some of the questions could have been clearer. This being an international forum and Airbnb an international platform, I don’t think anyone expects forum contributors to all be totally fluent in English ( I often find that those who have English as a second language say things in a way a native speaker wouldn’t, but which are quite descriptive and charming), or even that their listing, if they have written it up in English even though that’s not their native language, might not have some spelling, grammar or description errors- as long as it’s clear to someone reading it, that’s all that really matters. But when someone is translating for some official purpose, or to get accurate answers to a survey, I think it behooves them to find a translator who is fluent in both the language being translated and the languages it is translated into.


Sell you a paragraph for a five buck amazon card :wink:



You would be welcome if I had completed it :slight_smile:


This survey appears to be closed now but for the lurkers I wanted to confirm that I received my gift card today. Compared to my efforts to do mturk work this was a breeze. :upside_down_face: to @jaquo


Yes, I received one today too, even though I didn’t tick the bit that asked if you wanted one.

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Yup. Got mine as well.


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