Cleaning - new to AirBnB

I’m very new to AirBnB, we’re looking into booking an airbnb cottage on Bali (we have never done this before). Firstly, the host doesn’t seem to like answering messages… so that I’ve heard, my question will be: we’ll be required to pay for cleaning, will it be ethical to ask them to clean the house every second day since we’re thinking to book for a week? We enjoy for the rooms to be cleaned (as we are holidaying) on regular basis with no necessity for the linens to be changed daily.

Thank you greatly :slight_smile:

If you want the rooms to be cleaned frequently, expect to pay for that extra service. Many places offer to have their housekeeper tend to your space, but then request that the housekeeper be paid by you.

For longer term guests, I clean their rooms once a week which includes a full change of linens. Since my rooms are within my house, I don’t have to worry too much about garbage since they are not cooking.

Enjoy your Bali vacation!

The cleaning fee is more like a preparation fee, it should even be renamed on the website as such. Moreover, the fee does not mean to have on demand /routine clean service, it is to cover the costs to prepare the place for you, since the hosts need to pay a cleaning lady per time or hour to clean the place.

If you need everyday cleaning I believe you would need to pay per time/hour as well. Some hosts may provide the service for you, some won’t. That’s due to the logistics of cleaning (availability of cleaning lady etc) and also te nature of the lodging (not a hotel). Hosts do not have housekeeping employees so I doubt most will accept your requirement.

It doesn’t hurt to ask your host, though.

But remember, Airbnb is not a resort where you have full staff in stand by, it is a place where homeowners (mostly) open their primary or vacation home to guests in a clean, comfortable, enjoyable way so they can relax and enjoy their vacation.

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Thanks so much smtucker :)… appreciate your response :slight_smile:

Thanks Vera… much appreciate your response. I did email the host, this is fantastic as we are also considering leasing out our sanctuary on Airbnb… good learning :slight_smile:


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Hosting brings lots of opportunities to meet different people, and make an extra side money. This forum has helped me to be a better host and you will find lots of great info here. :slight_smile:

If this host falls through, we have a very good friend who rents his ‘hut’ in Bali. Its actually an island across from bali, and beyond amazing. Let me know if you want to be connected.

What’s the island called? Thanks

Yes… indeed… thank you :), I have been hosting people, but more of at no charge, I think I’ll be ready soon to lease out :slight_smile:

Gili Trawangan it is literally paradise

yes, been there a lot :)… we’ve been all over Indonesia (as well as other countries). indeed i will let you know if host hasn’t replied within 72hrs.

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As winter is setting in, huts in Bali sound mighty good to me!

Brillant! We met the owner via home exchange about 5years ago, and have been great mates since. More than happy to intro you if you are still looking!