Chinese medicine smell

This was in a review? Did you check the reviews before booking?

He already got another review from a host complaining about the Chinese medicine. The review is in Chinese. I hope Air reps use Google translate to see the review and proof what type of guest he is.

I will post his profile in the lounge. You guys gtta be alerted, be already stayed in Airbnb in CA and he is American born Chinese. So the chances of him travelling US territory are high.

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Thanks @cabinhost
I think I won’t be able to avoid a review from him because I already filled the claim in the Resolution Center and this Cheap guy must Definetly nor be happy about it. My guess is that he might not review me in order to not get a review back, because oh does he know a bad one is coming from me.

He has verified ID , so I imagine he wouldn’t want to ‘dirty’ his profile

Filled a claim last night, with or without receipts. I will keep you updated on the progress. The rep told me the smell might be a difficult one too unless I have to buy new stuff like curtains etc.

Cab you believe the smell is s in the house? I opened the windows, used air purifier, baking soda, sprays everything and it still lingers.

I don’t know how to prove it. But my shower set HW will have to pay. It is broken!


He IB with me. After his booking I checked his reviews, he only had one review and it was a good one, that’s why he was able to IB my place. His new review is from a place he stayed after my place here in Taipei.
So his claim that ‘Chinese people woulndt be bothered with the smell’ is bs. The host who gave him a review is Chinese.
He thought he could get away with this message to prove that because I am weesterner I can’t tolerate the smell.

Make sure to get pictures of your shower set and then the links to an IDENTICAL one for the replacement claims. Also, if you have proof that it was freshly refurbished that will help as well, bc if not AIR will claim normal wear and tear. Give air as much evidence as possible, bc if you don’t they will not ask for and side with the guests. Also, if you can add a little extra because my experience is in order to be ‘fair’ Air will only pay our 1/2 your claim (We had 2 claims in 2 weeks last month)

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My guest has denied the resolution center claim. I have just escalated to Airbnb.

Can I still send another message to Airbnb through Resolution Center? I ask because I already finalized escalating to them and I don’t see where I can write to them directly instead of writing to the guest.

Wait for them(air BNB) to contact you about the case- they will send this email with in 24 hrs. They will ask something like ‘we need more info etc’. That is when you respond with EVERYTHING you have, detailed written summary, receipts, photos, etc

Edit: Make sure to emphasize the broken shower set was not wear and tear as it was recently refurbished, etc. Make your email to them so blatantly clear that a first grader could understand the situation without any context, do not assume they have read your original resolution center claim, basically start from scratch.


Great. Thank you!! I have the receipt of everything from the shower room renovation. If Air doesn’t pay me I lose faith in the system. I admit the smell is hard to proof and I can’t take pictures of it. But my shower set must be paid


The smell will be hard - the only thing you could claim is extra ‘cleaning’ .

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But you do have a picture of the herbs in the garbage can. Plus, a message from him admitting to brewing it and another hosts negative review about the smell. I think this is excellent proof! Hang on tight because your next guest might ask for a refund if the smell is still lingering. You might be able to claim that as well.

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Yes , I do. And the messages.

Sent everything to airbnb system last night. Now waiting on the result. Will post here once a get a. resolution.

That smell has temporarily grounded planes!
If the smell is still strong you might try to find activated charcoal. I’m not sure if anybody already suggested this. It can absorb odors and toxins. It is used in aquarium filters and can be found in stores that sell fish tank supplies. You can sprinkle it around and leave it for a day then vacuum it up or just put it in a few bowls and leave them out. It might help…


Thank you so much. We are still dealing with it. Not so strong any more but still there. I have had to replace the linen and towels.

Interesting article about the smell also.

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Oops, that was an accident… I just commented that the article on Chinese medicine smells bringing down an airliner was interesting. If it’s strong enough to make a jet return midair then it’s strong enough to ruin an Airbnb home.

People. Such idiots…


Too bad you didn’t send Air a package of the wet herbs ~ it might have been a quick restitution.


Update: Airbnb agreed to pay the full amount of the claim. I do not know if it is Airbnb paying or the guest paying.

I didn’t receive the payout yet.


Who cares who is paying! You got compensation! Well done for fighting the fight!!! :slight_smile:

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The review though… that has to GO and GO NOW… Did you call them back?