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Sounds like you have grounds for a really bad review.
I think what people here would recommend would be to (a) take photos right away (b) open a claim with the resolution center. But I’m not an expert/experienced, so maybe see what they say.
Do make sure to write a bad review at least. These are exactly the kinds of people one doesn’t want to rent to.
I called Airbnb. They said I should try to settle with the ‘guest’ first in the resolution center. If in 72 hours he doesn’t agree then I can involve Airbnb.
@faheem he sure will get a factual review, for sure
It depens on how much you use!!! How big is your area???How many honeypomelon do you have? If you have 3 big one …it is very quick less than one hour… the yellow skin…and you can eat the meat…if you use spray it is quicker but depends on which kind.If you have time, you can buy some dry flower or do it yourself.
poor! I have a chinese guest with a daughter of 3 years old. I found shit and curry on the wc. Curry,soja sauce and red color in a blanket and on the door I am thinking if i should give him bad review. My situation is not better than yours. 120 m2 is very big…you donT have some windows?What about if you cook some minz,vinegar…if you have sth like dior that helps…Try lavendel
Wow, what an entitled jerk. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Thankfully, I haven’t had to claim for damages yet, so I don’t know the process. There are many posting here who have claimed for damages and I’m sure they’d be glad to help you navigate the system.
Regarding communication with this nasty excuse for a human being; if I were you I would tell him that you will not be further discussing the terms of his stay except for the restitution of the damages he caused and stick to it. You are not under any obligation to defend your pricing or your policies as long as they are represented correctly on your listing.
Look to the future. It will get resolved, you will write a good honest review so that these guests don’t end up in others homes. You faced the conflict head on and let them know you were pissed off. Well done. You can now add - no cooking of medicinal herbs to your house rules!
Thank you. I will go to buy the Frebeeze today and spray when the mother and daughter are gone. I didn’t even had the energy to welcome them last night, asked my husband to do so.
This is the reply I git from him 10 hours after my last message asking what type of medicine it is. He replied during midnight so I just saw it this morning. It is 7:00am now and I regret reading this early morning.
'There’s no need to be alarm with the aroma of Chinese herbal decoction; even the aroma has therapeutic benefits. It is never poisonous or toxic although people that never exposed to it may find it offensive. The ‘smell’ will disappear within hours when ventilated. There’s no harm in inhaling it. It neither stink nor stain the environment. Sorry I didn’t have a chance to communicate to you about the preparation of the herbs as we didn’t have problem with the last hosts with the herbal aroma as they’re familiar with Chinese herbs. It’s for my health and if it’s harmful I would have ask for permission first. Most Chinese would not complain the smell as it’s quite common experience in Chinese families. Sorry that it is offensive to your family and caused disturbance in your rest.
I still would like to know the difference in charges of your rooms if you don’t mind. Thank you. ’
I want to tell him that marijuana is considered beneficial for health and people don’t go using it in someone’s else house, also I want to tell him to just eat grass.
Please experienced hosts, what would you say in the reply? This is the worst guest attitude.
I cannot believe he brought up the price difference again. I don’t have advice on the smell but I’d just say “as an airbnb host I’m free to set the price as I wish depending on the day of the week and the season. You agreed to the price before booking so that was the price of the room for the day you chose. There is nothing more to explain about that subject.”
I would not reply at all. He’s trying to engage you in an endless communication so that you will give him a discount to get him to leave you alone. At this point, I think you should call Airbnb, tell them what’s going on and have them communicate with him.
Wow, good message… You really kept your cool. From the USA? Terrible guests with everything they did here… Be sure to post their profile on our bad guest lounge. This is just unacceptable. He was in the wrong to start brewing anything in your home without asking you first.
He is showing his true character by harping on the price difference. I once had a FlipKey guest come and do the same thing. Notice his price was different than what Airbnb guests paid. He ended up walking off with 12 days left on his reservation. Good riddance.
For now if you choose to respond - I would placate this guy with the pricing until you have an opportunity to slam him in a review. That way you can stall time for him hopefully to not even leave a review. And then you can leave a negative review for him later. We’ll help you write it.
You said he paid $14 plus $8 for a guest, and Airbnb fees. So I am not even sure what he is questioning. The room he is looking at is $16…correct? So isn’t that $2 more than the price he paid? If that is the case, then I would reply with:
"I am not sure what you are misunderstanding about the price. I explained in my previous email that my regular nightly rate is $40. You booked the room at a reduced rate of $14 based on one guest. The additional guest fee is $8, and Airbnb also charges you a fee for using their site. You can see the breakdown of the total cost on the confirmation you received from Airbnb. They do not provide me a copy of your confirmation. Hosts set their rates based on different days, and demand.
If you would still like to compare the price then you need to pretend like you are making a reservation, and enter in 2 guests. You will then see the total with Airbnb’s fee included."
Unfortunately, we have had too many interactions with the resolution center. First thing is you need to open the claim ASAP, regardless if you have the ‘proof’. The claim must be opened within 48 hrs or Air will not mediate for you. Once you open the claim, the guest will be able to accept or decline the claim, if they decline the claim Air will then ask you if you want Air to mediate. That’s when the real fun begins. Air will ask you for invoices, receipts, repair orders, etc, and if you do not have these Air will not side with you. Make sure every invoice or receipt submitted has the companies name, address, phone, etc or Air will not accept it.
The smell is going to be a tough one to get paid out on, but definitely try. You will need a quote or invoice for a company that does odor removal for smoke or of the sort.
The broken shower, find the items online and submit the link when you are making the claim. Then provide the actual receipt when Air gets involved.
This guy is a joke. The gkod thing is a just foud he got one new review from a host complaining he should communicate with the owner of the house before brewing strib Chinese medicine. The reviews says ‘guest us clean, however…’ And it complains about the Chinese medicine.
I didn’t reply his question for the price and instead I filled a claim for the smell and for the spa shower set.
I am quite sure he will deny the claim because he is the cheapest guest i have ever had. Complaining about 2$ of nightly rate and he even can’t see he paid less.
If I reply to him for the price I will be not professional for sure.
I also called air bnb to let them know of his behavior questioning the price and the rep told me she will pass the case to her manager since she is not allowed to check messages and would ‘set it as high priority’. Haven’t received contact from air yet.